5 tips for spreading your content on Instagram

Instagram is today one of the largest social networks in the world, and part of its success is due to the fact that it is a simple and easy application with great possibility of immediate reach of content posted on the Internet.

The Instagram came to stay and particularly I find very strange a person or even a company not having A Active account on it.

If you are a digital entrepreneur or have a physical business you should know Instagram that it provides even better results with the help of organic Instagram growth service.

For this I decided to separate in this post the 5 easy and powerful tips for you to use in your account and disclose your content to the largest number of users on Instagram. Prepared? Come with me!

1. Invest in good quality images

Basically Instagram is a social image sharing network that offers some basic features such as filters that improve the quality of images at the time of posting.

And as the social network has a great reach worldwide many people put amazing images and videos. And to stand out in the midst of all this it is necessary to invest in quality. This is the order word on the net! Always place the quality first and the second quantity.

2. Dand end the frequency of posts

Every instant thousands of content are posted on Instagram. And even if you have many followers and whicho In good pictures you need to keep a regular frequency of posts on Instagram, including Stories.

Always remember that your followers want to find news, And if you fail to publish content they end up forgetting you or may think that you are no longer interested in sharing new relevant content.

3. A Post on hashtags e Crye Their

Hard to talk about Instagram and its features without mentioning at least once the famous hashtags. These markers are very useful and people don’t always have an idea of their reach.

Just as it does on Google and YouTube there are a lot of users who do searches within Instagram. And for that they use the hashtags exactly.

Knowing this, do not leave any more posting your without the famous “game of the old” drawing with the specific words relevant. But of course use those that really have to do with your brand and that make sense, For when your seguidores are publishing images similar to yours make use of them, and thus increase the dissemination of its contents over the Internet

4. in theand abuse of Stories

Stories is one of the most interesting Instagram features. Through it you can keep a photo Yes Video in the air for the period of 24 hours.

This funcionality is widely used by celebrities, Brands to publicize some novelty such as, For example, Behind the scenes of an event Yes Some promotion for comprar seguidores reais.

In addition to these, Stories is also visible to your account visitors, ie, Those who are not yet His followers. thus, It is worth investing in this resource to attract attention and disseminate its content to the greatest number of people possible.

5. Work Recurring themes

This is a simple and very effective tip that generates good results.  Get inspired and create content that accompaniesIn the Anniversaries, As well as It does Remember achievements achieved that are recognised By “#tbt” That turned into a fever. Of American origin “throwback thursday” (andM Português, “Bringing Back the farm”), It is used to tell things or even to make a repost Relevant to be shared àS Thursdays. Get the hint!

Raeesa Sayyad: