5 Windows Methods for Accessing the Startup Repair Tool

5 Windows Methods for Accessing the Startup Repair Tool

Startup Fix is a free device from Microsoft that sweeps for and afterward fixes numerous normal Windows issues, including the ones experienced during a startup. In any case, sending off and utilizing the device can get precarious relying upon the mistake you are confronting.

We have investigated a large group of various ways of getting to the instrument. Along these lines, how about we check out by any stretch of the imagination of them individually.

1 Open Startup Fix Utilizing the Settings Application

This is the least demanding approach to sending off the Startup Fix apparatus on Windows. So we will spread out this strategy first.

The most effective method to Utilize the Windows 11 Settings Application
This is the way you can do it on Windows 11:

Make a beeline for the Beginning menu search bar, type in ‘settings’, and select the best match. On the other hand, press the Windows key + I alternate route.

Presently, select the Framework > Recuperation button.

From under the High level Startup segment, click on Restart now.

On the following boot-up of Windows, your PC will be sent off in the Windows Recuperation Climate. From that point, click on Investigate > High level Choices > Startup Fix.

Also, that is all there is to it. When you click on the above choice, the Startup Fix apparatus will be sent off at that moment.

Step by step instructions to Utilize the Windows 10 Settings Application
While the fundamental construction of opening Startup Fix on Windows 10 continues as before, the specific directions on the screen will be marginally unique. Along these lines, this is the way you can send off Startup Fix on Windows 10:

Press the Windows key + I alternate way to open the Settings menu.
Select Update and Security > Recuperation.
Under the High level startup menu, click on Restart now.
Your Windows will boot into Windows Recuperation Climate (Win RE) when you do this. From that point, the means are like the ones you followed for Windows 11.

2 Run the Startup Fix Device Through the Work area

    The technique we’ve spread out above will essentially work for all clients. Also, in the situations where it doesn’t — typically when you can’t access or open the Settings application — utilize this technique. This is how it’s done:

    Click the Beginning menu symbol and select the Power button.

    Hold down the Shift key and afterward click on Restart.

    That is all there is to it; your PC will be restarted from here, and you will be then taken to the Success RE menu. From that point, follow the above strides from technique one and snap on Cutting edge Choices > Startup Fix.

    The Startup Fix device will be sent off from here.

    3 Run the Startup Fix From Profiles

    In the event that you have an establishment media, utilizing or opening the Startup Fix device will not be an over the top battle. Simply plug in the USB stick containing the establishment media and begin your PC starting from the earliest stage.

    Before you begin, you ought to make a Windows USB establishment stick on the off chance that you don’t as of now have it. After you have the USB stick prepared, follow the beneath steps:

    Enter your Profiles/UEFI settings and set your USB stick as the first booting choice.

    Then, at that point, plug in the establishment USB stick and boot your PC with it.

    In the Windows Arrangement, select the Windows version, language, and so forth.

    At long last, click on the USB stick to get everything rolling with Startup Fix.

    The Startup Fix instrument will be sent off from here, and it will gaze upward and fix any issues it tracks down on your Windows PC.

    4 Utilize the Order Brief

    The Order Brief is a free Windows utility that gives you deal with your Windows settings and things access a way that makes utilizing Windows a breeze.

    This is the way you can utilize the Order Brief to send off the Startup Fix on your PC:

    Go to the Beginning menu search bar, type in ‘cmd’, and run the Order Fast as a chairman.

    In the cmd, type in the accompanying order and hit Enter:

    When you hit Enter, your PC will be restarted in the High level Startup Choices menu; you can then choose the Startup Fix choice from that point.

    5 Utilize the F11 Alternate way Key During Boot

    At times, basically stirring things up around town key over and over during the boot-up can take you to the High level Choices menu on numerous PCs. Thus, ensure you try this out too. From that point, you can without much of a stretch access the Windows Startup Choices device.

    Opening the Startup Fix Instrument on a Windows PC.

    Like nearly everything on Windows, there are numerous ways of opening the Startup Fix apparatus on Windows. So regardless of whether one approach to opening the apparatus work, you have the others to test.

    Komal Patil: