Best Sci-Fi Recommendations

Among several genres, “Sci-fi” has recently seen a massive shift in its popularity. Although, the sci-fi genre amongst novels, films, and TV shows has existed for decades. Well now in recent years with the advancement of technology and the internet becoming a necessity, this genre has become quite popular as compared to before.

Basically, sci-fi is a genre that focuses on futuristic concepts that depend on the advancement of science and technology. One of the advanced technologies is the internet and Artificial intelligence. Internet is not only a necessity now, but an integral part of everyone’s life. We are now living in the digital age where everything that once existed elsewhere is now alive on the internet.

With the modernization of our life, once long ago when sci-fi seemed more like fantasy and fiction to us, now moves closer to reality as we have begun to understand that this all can be real soon. Hence, we see that this genre has now got the viewer’s interest more than ever.

Furthermore, recently a lot of sci-fi films and TV series have been released. All the streaming services and TV channels are now packed with this genre and many have been viewers top choice. If you have a keen interest in the sci-fi genre or you’re just beginning to indulge in this, we have a few recommendations for you.

Moreover, if you want to watch all of the content together in one place then we recommend you to go for one of the most garnered cable service providers, none other than Mediacom. It offers a comprehensive variety with high-definition quality through the Xtream TV Channel list and a huge array of free on-demand options.

Once that is solved, now without any further delay, below are the must-watch Sci-Fi TV shows and Movies according to us. Have a look!

  1. Black Mirror (2011-2023)

This show surprisingly came out in the year 2011 but has recently caught the attention of viewers when it aired on the streaming service Netflix in the year 2016. Black Mirror is an anthology series, with 6 seasons, which is based on the dystopian future and the impact of science and technology on humans.

The series is a bit dark and morbid and focuses on different aspects of the technological advancements in the science and internet and how they impact the lives of people. Every episode is based on a different story and a different aspect of technology and leaves you thinking for hours about what if it really happened to us.

Furthermore, it leaves us wondering what if it actually happens to us in the future. The episodes are beautifully crafted and will have you sitting in your seats fully engulfed in the show. Warning! The show is addictive and you might want to binge-watch.

  • Paradise (2023)

It is a film that was released this year. This film is about a man who works for a bio-tech company that helps people increase their life span by buying time from donors. There have been many films about this particular topic but this one has twists and turns that will leave you gasping for air out of sheer anticipation for the climax.

The film also leaves you thinking about the ethics and morals of humans when interrelated with the use of technology and advancement in science. The film made $855,173 at the box office.

  • Mirage (2018)

Mirage is a Spanish movie that was released in 2018 and has a rating of 7.5/10 on IMDB. The film is a complicated story about time travel. After all, how can time travel be not complicated? The story is about a woman who, due to a glitch in the time and space continuum saves the life of a boy from the past, but due to this, she causes her own daughter to die in the future.

The suspenseful story takes you on a journey with the woman on how to save her own family and not let the boy die, at the same time she figures out how this impossible situation happened to her and how can she fix everything.

  • Dark

Dark is a German show that was released in 2017 and is based on 3 seasons. The story is about two children who go missing in a small town, which has four families involved in suspenseful twists and turns, with mind-bending truths being revealed and five different timelines.

If you think you have seen anything complicated, then you’re in for a surprise. Dark, with many dark turns, will leave you completely confused. Viewer Tip: Take a notepad and write down the names and their relationships with each other. The German director Baran bo Odar took time to travel to another level. The theme of the show is not only futuristic but goes back to biblical times and connects both in such a crafty way that viewers are left surprised.

Concluding Lines

These are just a few of the sci-fi shows and movies that have been recommended to you to watch. The genre is massive and there are so many names that can be listed for the viewers. However, sometimes a lot of names go unnoticed and are quite underrated. The genre takes a little bit of taste developing in the beginning, but once you’re hooked then there is no going back. Enjoy watching!

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