Chelsea Adair Begins Her New 2021 Season With High Hopes

Those who are first getting to know Chelsea Adair should see that she is a celebrity hairstylist who has found a way to thrive in light of the pandemic. Even with many folks out of work, hair maintenance has remained in high demand making Chelsea busier than ever. She is the owner and stylist of Salon Adair which has been one of the top rated salons in the San Diego area for years.

On a typical day, Chelsea’s hands are very busy with returning clients. Over the years as a stylist, Chelsea has built up relationships with her clients not only because of her skills but also because of her positivity. Each visit to her chair becomes a therapeutic and social time which is what many have come to love about Salon Adair.

Growing in popularity, Chelsea plans to continue growing her clientele. Recently she has been talking about expanding to get to a point where she doesn’t have to work as many hours each day. In a recent interview about this Chelsea stated, “I realized that I have a huge addiction with my career and have my hands on clients for two-thirds of any given day”. To solve this Chelsea might choose to delegate more work to employees but never fully step away as styling hair is truly her passion.

Keep up with Chelsea Adair on Instagram here:

Salon Adair’s Business Instagram:

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