Deepika Vedpathak: How the Backbone of Prasika Built The Brand From Scratch

Prasika” a mix of Deepika and Prasad Vedpathak’s names is the country’s favorite influencer couple and the Vedpathaks have made their way into the hearts of millions. Prasad and Deepika Vedpathak or “Prasika” have gone viral many times over the years with their feel good relatable content.

They first started posting on the internet in 2015 on their YouTube channel UICVlogs, and later the couple branched out to other social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram and have continued to make comedy videos, food videos and vlogs.

But had it not been for Deepika Vedpathak, the internet would have never gotten moments like “Lunch with Prasika” or relatable Marathi skits or tidbits of the couple’s adorable chemistry. Deepika came with the  iconic moniker “Prasika” and has been a key strategist for the brand that the couple has built. Before the app was banned in our country the couple had gained a massive following on TikTok and amazed millions of views on their videos.

Their hit content series “Lunch With Prasika” was launched on TikTok and is loved by thousands even today. On Instagram the couple has carved out a place for themselves and have gained a following of over 6 lakh users and regularly post on the platform receiving an outpouring of support from the UICFamily.

“I have been posting on YouTube on our channel for so many years And I feel like I know my way around YouTube, but by just posting on one platform I was limiting my potential.Deepika brought up the idea of expanding our horizons and posting on other apps as well, and I know my wife’s acumen for such things and I trusted her advice completely.It was one of the best decisions.”, says Prasad Vedpathak.

He continues, “In our society men are always given their credit, women and their work often goes unnoticed. My wife never asks for recognition but she has been so important to our social media success and it really saddens me that people never recognise that. Without her we would not be here today.It is because of her that we have had so many opportunities and continue to grow.”.

What many might not know is that before becoming a content creator Deepika had a glistening career as a software specialist in the Digital Indian team with the Mantralay. And before onboarding a team for managing Prasika, it was Deepika who used to manage UICVlogs and was a key factor in the success of the channel.

Over the years Prasika has partnered up with brands like Opicle,Cuelinks, Upstox,Philips,Vcommission and Deepika managed these collaborations. Many mistake women to be one dimensional and box them into labels, Deepika is a bubbly supportive wife but that’s not all that she is.She is a savvy businesswoman and perfectionist when it comes to work.

While we scroll away looking at reels, videos and other posts on social media, content creators work hard behind the scenes to deliver quality content to us viewers. Production, writing, accounting, managing, camera work, editing and countless other fine details come together to form all the media we enjoy – and Deepika Vedpathak is adept in all these aspects and can multitask to see that all these things are getting completed efficiently and timely.

In a recently uploaded “Soul Talk ” video we can see Deepika opening up more and showing us a previously overshadowed side of hers – the more serious side and she shared her opinions and thoughts on the new direction that Prasika is going into. The audience reaction has been overwhelmingly positive, and have shown a deep appreciation to their favorite content creator for opening up and it has brought the UICFamily closer.

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