First Ever Videoclip From Ohdes Coming Very Soon……

18 Year old upcoming Dutch producer Ohdes (Georgio Boerenbrink) has announced on his Instagram page (@ohdesmusic) that he will be releasing his first ever videoclip very soon on YouTube. As of now there is no footage of the video yet and we do not know what song the video clip will be. This could be a previous released track but this also could be a new track. There is no further information about this new mystery video clip of Ohdes but we will keep updating our content every single day.

Ohdes already released 13 previous tracks via music streaming services Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Soundcloud etc. And he previously released a Official Lyric video for his song “Let Me Be” Featuring the female vocal artist Marifa. Ohdes already announced a few times on his Instagram story that he already has a few new tracks that will be released soon. He stated that he has a few tracks with the female vocal artist Marifa and a few tracks with different and new artist. Fans also believe that this will be the new official video clip of the previously released track “Let Me Be” with female vocal artist Marifa but these are just rumours from his fans.

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