Gloria Straube’s In Her Book Shows that Nature Can Be the Best Teacher.

In times of distress, nature can be a person’s best guide. Because we all are a part of nature, it has a strong emotional impact on us.

Nature may be a person’s best guide during distressing times. We all have a profound emotional connection to nature since we are a part of it. The vast number of galaxies, the solar system, the sun, the earth, and the countless life varieties are simply mind-boggling. Nature imparts to us a wealth of teachings that change our perspectives on life, including those grandeur, beauty, patience, diligence, calm, rejuvenation, abundance, generosity, compassion, acceptance, self-reliance, and many others.

The sun teaches us to shine and give light to the world. The message of rivers is firmly moving forward, overcoming all obstacles, and finding a detour around a rock-ridden course. Trees demonstrate us to give everything to the world and people. Flowers teach us to spread the aroma of our good deeds. The finest instructor for anything and everything we desire to learn is in nature.

Nature inspired Gloria in every wake of life; to share ways mother nature helped her, she opted to write.

A Nature Lover & A Passionate Writer

Gloria Straube, a strong-willed woman and a passionate advocate for voiceless animals, shared a unique bond with a Yellowstone Wolf 926F, which she described in her book “926 Raindrops – Gift of the Wild”. The book is based on the real-life story of Gloria, who befriended a wild wolf. It is a tale of Gloria befriending a wild wolf and coming to terms with loss, grieving, and healing. Observing the wild wolf changed her life.

The Yellowstone Wolf 926F, also known as “Spitfire,” was the daughter of Wolf 06. Cruel hunters hunted down her mother in 2012, and in 2018, Spitfire also met the same unfortunate fate.

The book 926 Raindrops – Gift of the Wild is a non-fiction book. The book contains Gloria’s story in stages, beginning with her childhood, and the author reveals her personality, making it easier for the readers to feel connected with the author and understand what she went through and the motives for her actions.

Gloria, since childhood, was different from other children. She spent most of her time alone. However, she was able to find solace in a place she felt really close to nature.

The author learned to love as she grew up, endure the repercussions of fate, and control her feelings. Gloria had an irreversible life change after which she could no longer imagine living the same way. But destiny provided Gloria with a chance for rebirth; it was the dream with wolves that changed her consciousness. The nature lover trusted her pristine nature and obeyed their call, which opened a new chapter in her life and gave her a new source of strength. This book is a revelation meant to encourage the reader to embrace their true selves and bravely pursue their intended path.

Gloria’s Infatuation with the Nature & the Wild

From a young age, Gloria had been deeply enamored with nature and everything the wild had to offer. She had a particular fascination with rain. Every time it rained, it made her feel like she truly belonged to Mother Earth. The raindrops washed all her grief and instilled in her a renewed vigor to breathe again. Her love for rain was so intense that she even named her unborn daughter after rain. She wanted her daughter to inherit the same victorious spirit the rain possesses.

After her child’s death, she felt as if her world had come to an end. Everything around her seemed bleak and hollow. Just when she thought she had lost all my hope and faith, a spark ignited within her. This newfound light guided her to Yellowstone National Park. That’s where she found everything she needed for a new beginning.

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