Google family link Saeed Souzangar:

One of the biggest problems in today’s society that most families have to deal with is how to control their children’s access to the internet with mobile phones or other electronic devices such as tablets. There are sites that children should not view on the phone or tablet connected to the Internet.

Therefore, when your child requests a mobile phone or any electronic device that is connected to the Internet, you can monitor your child from the beginning using the google family link application.

So now let us see what this application is and what its uses are?

Google Family Link is a family control service provided by Google

Which was first released to the public in March 2017. It is currently available in 38 countries, including the United States, Australia and Japan, but is unfortunately filtered in Iran.

The app allows parents to set restrictions for their children’s devices, such as restricting content, approving or rejecting apps, setting display times, and more. Google Family Link requires Google Accounts to access the app remotely.

Family Link service is divided into two programs, Family Link for Parents and Family Link for children and teenagers. The Family Link for Parents app allows parents to access and monitor the content of their children’s phone or tablet. The Family Link program is installed on the phone or tablet of children and adolescents and through it, the command parameters given by the parents are executed.

What can parents do?

With Family Link, they can verify or block apps that kids want to install from the Google Play Store. You can also monitor weekly or monthly activity reports, usage time of phone or tablet, and monitor the amount of time your child spends on their favorite apps.

First Requirement for installing the GOOGLE FAMILY LINK

On child’s Android phone, the operating system must be 7 or higher, and on iPhone IOS, it must be 9 or higher to install the app on the phone.

Secondly, you need to make sure that the application is compatible with your phone. Parents must have an operating system of android 4 or higher to run it.

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