Harman Abrawan, this young is a multi talented boy!

Some are born to do remarkable things in life, and their aura is also different than ordinary people.

Harman Abrawan is an actor, model and influencer from Punjab,India. At the age of 17 he started with his acting career and before that he had already done a number of acting roles in plays and skits organised by the school. He has been doing acting since he was a school going kid. He is now looking for acting opportunities in Pollywood and Bollywood cinema and also focusing on his studies simultaneously.

Harman Abrawan loves to travel different places; He likes to meet people who are doing big in their field, he feels every new person teaches you new things, and it gives you that boost to do better in life.

Well, Harman Abrawan is an ideal example of how a youthful actor, model and influencer should live their life he is a true inspiration; the way he is living life is tremendous.

Justin Beltrame: