Iranian pop singer Ramyrad explained more about himself

Ramin Salehi Yeganeh (artistically named Ramyrad) He was born on July 6, 1993 in Tabriz and now lives in Tehran.

The subject of my music goes back to the age of 7, when the sound systems were in the form of cassettes, and I opened and played my favorite music every day, and sometimes I even recorded my own voice on the cassettes and listened to it. At the age of 10, I can memorize more than 100 songs. Contrary to all the singers who say that I was the first student and had a good grade in mathematics and physics, I was not interested in my lessons at all and I memorized songs when I was teaching.

From the age of 11, I became very interested in piano and organ, and no matter how difficult it was, I got on this path because I had no support in my family, and everyone was against me falling into this path. There was no support for me in the field of music and pressure. I endured a lot of nervousness. Working in the summer, I bought a Casio citadel for myself and started with it.

Remarkable for those who say we have no sponsor, if you wait for a sponsor, your life will end and you are still waiting.

I always say that no one is compassionate except himself.

I had many music teachers, and my piano and organ teacher is the best piano teacher in Iran. Yousef Abdol Azimzadeh is highly educated in music, and I am always indebted to this dear master.

It is interesting to know that some music teachers hinder the students’ progress because they teach the lesson that they can teach in one session only because of money. They divide it into four sessions and waste the student’s time and stab the music student in the back. Master, there are many of these people in my life.

In singing, I had many masters in the styles of traditional singing, pop and maqam of Azerbaijan, all of whom are really my dear and first-class masters, including masters Ismail Karimpour, Mohammad Kamparvar, Fartash, are my good masters, and I always kiss the hands of these loved ones.

Since I was a teenager, due to my high intelligence in the field of music, I have also been composing and composing songs, and recently I am also composing and composing a music album called Negah, which is 10 pieces of pop music, which will be ready in the future. .

The only support I had on this path and always had the weather and helped me a lot was God. With whom I have a warm and intimate relationship, we soon understand and understand each other’s words. The only peace I have is talking to God, and I owe my success to God.

I believe that no one can respect the dignity of human beings except himself with his knowledge, in short, I am a servant forever.

I remember Master Ezatullah Entezami saying a sentence, this sentence was etched in my brain and I always think of him saying saying art like a monkey train has many stations and you should be able to get off in a good station, the first station of the station of fame _

 Second Station Wealth Station _

 The third station is the station of lust

I will do my best not to get off at these 3 stations, I promise, but I will do my best.

This sentence is worth 10 years of university studies.

My main goal in life is to help people, no matter which border or native they belong to.

During the last few interviews I had, I explained about myself and said that I entered the world of music at the age of seven.

During middle and high school, I was part of the choir and was the group’s soloist.

The most important thing that helped me a lot in reading was reading the Quran professionally.

I sang a lot of songs, which for some reasons were not released. The first song I sang in 1995 was called Blue Eyes, arranged by my dear friend Shahram.

We had experience working together with the good arrangements of the country and helping each other in every way. I met Hassan Baba Mahmoudi in 1997, who in my opinion can be called a music scientist. He had given and I had practiced. On the day of the recording, I sang another song on my own and Hassan Baba liked it and changed the arrangement completely. It was hassan Baba, we changed the lyrics and the song for a while, and he changed the whole arrangement again, and this was a very good memory for us.

One of the most talented arrangements in the country is the name of Reza Panahi Aziz. My friendship with Reza began in 1998, and our first collaboration was a rare song, which in my opinion is one of the best songs I have ever sung and listened to every day. I give this song and I can’t get enough of it. Reza Panahi is my most kind-heasrted friend. Which I hope you like.

In my opinion, a single singer will not get anywhere. If he has gotten somewhere, that success must be shared between the team and the group..

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