Meet Jordan Patterson, who also goes by the name JP. he is 23 years old from Milwaukee, WI. he has been recording music for about 3/4 years but has have never released an official project until recently, he dropped his 1st single “THICK SKIN” which is now available on Apple Music, Spotify, & YouTube.

He started doing music in college, he attended the University of WI Parkside & majored in Communication with a concentration in Broadcasting, originally he did not intend to do music but, after a couple of studio sessions he fell in love with it.

In the year 2011 JP was diagnosed with kidney dysfunction, he was out on dialysis immediately after he found out the news, in 2012 he was blessed to have a kidney transplant, His mother was the donor for his kidney in 2015 he was put back on dialysis & has been on it ever since. He is currently waiting on a new kidney.

Having kidney dysfunction does sadden me but, recording in the studio brings him positivity, peace, & joy. JP has not always been the best at feeling his feelings and expressing his emotions but being in the studio brings him comfort and allows him to genuinely express his emotions.

In his free time he enjoys hanging out with friends, playing video games, & listening to music. His mission is to create music to impact the world while being authentic, original, & by genuinely being himself. He would love to show the world what “ JP” is truly capable of and break barriers that have never been broken before, and wants to also show the people in his city that you can make it by being you & believing in yourself!

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