Mohammad Saeid Moala: A musician, beat maker and trainer and kickboxing master of Iran

We all know Mohammad Saeid Moala, a musician, beat maker and trainer and kickboxing master of Iran, Mohammad Saeid is trying to tell some tips and worries for those dear ones who have problems in the singing profession.

Most people who have a good voice know very well that breath control technique is the most important part in singing.

What should we do now to learn these techniques?

Breath control technique in singing

With the help of breathing control technique in singing, you can somehow manage and control your breathing. This is one of the singing techniques that will help you not get tired of singing as a singer. When your breathing is controlled, you don’t get tired easily and you can react appropriately.

You should pay attention to the following:

1_ Practice and focus on tail

In this exercise, perform the tail action in the shortest possible time. You have to find a great way to get oxygen into your lungs and breathe fast.

2- Practice and focus on exhalation

The act of exhalation, unlike the act of inhalation, should be done at a very slow speed. When the exhalation is very calm, it allows you to play the high notes smoothly.

3_ Warming up the breath

The result of this exercise is the relaxation and flexibility of your lips. In this exercise, you should breathe completely normally and allow 3 minutes for exhalation. After these 3 minutes, you will notice that your lips start to tremble and are ready to sing.

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