Mostafa Abedini is a popular singer these days

Mostafa Abedini was born on 6/16/1990 in Tehran. He started his artistic activity in 2014 as a model and succeeded in working with international brands such as Giorgio Armani, Hoffmann, Mercedes Benz, etc. When he worked as a model for the Hackett brand, he published his photo on billboards in the city.

Mostafa Abedini started his career in music in 2018. He had stated in his interviews that he loved singing since childhood.

So far, he has been able to release popular music such as Gypsy, Love and Separation, Lost and… The music of Eshgh and Seder by Mostafa Abedini was able to attract more than thousands of people on all music platforms such as SoundCloud, Spotify, etc.

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