Tara Moheb academic counseling on undergraduate majors

(Bachelor of Economics Trends)

Undergraduate majors in economics include 5 branches, which are:

1- Theoretical: In the theoretical branch, the main topics of mathematical economics and econometric theories are studied, which is more emphasis on mathematical theory and less business study is formed.

2- Business: In the business branch, descriptive and analytical features in production and marketing management are studied and their application and tax regulations, accounting and accounting principles are discussed.

In this branch, on the other hand, choosing the right work method is learned with the help of decision models and quantitative methods.

3- Agriculture: In the field of agriculture, the branch of economics related to the product and agricultural land is studied and discussed because this industry does not include continuity in production. Factors such as;  Climate and soil have a great impact on it.

4- Money and Banking: In the field of money and banking, people study banking operations, monetary organizations and financial statement analysis, plans related to economics, etc.

5- Industrial: In the industrial branch, the international business structure and the laws governing the industrial market, competitive policies, costs and labor rights, etc. are taught to students.

(Trends in Economics at the postgraduate level)

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree, you can choose the trends in economics at the postgraduate level to continue your studies, which include:

Energy economics, economic systems planning, economics, economics and e-commerce, art economics, economic development and planning, oil and gas economics, urban economics.

(Trends in Economics in PhD)

In the doctoral program, there are majors in economics, which can be chosen by graduate students or authorized majors.

  They have public sector economics, insurance economics, econometrics, monetary economics, financial economics, economic development, resource economics, international economics, mathematical economics, urban and regional economics, institutional economics.

Raeesa Sayyad: