The Inseparable Bond

It’s said that there’s no loyalty left in the modern game but Bryan Moon- An amateur poker player has disproved everyone. The relationship shared between him and his dog is to die for. Bryan has a pit-bull named Luna. Luna is always seen traveling along with him to the games. Isn’t it cool? He travels all around the world with Luna as she is proved to be a good luck charm for Bryan.

Luna and Bryan are inseparable and both have plenty of adventures and fun together. On the off times of Bryan, Bryan spends most of the time with his beloved Dog Luna. The pair looks adorable together sharing a cool relationship and an inseparable bond. Bryan works in a financial sector and is a hardworking and busy man but he never fails to spend most of his free time with Luna. He spends all of his off time with his best friend and he tells it to the world that Luna is with him coz she has joy into his life. Bryan regularly cuddles with his best buddy Luna and he makes sure that her pride and joy- Luna is most of the time around him.

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