Tuning lessons with famous Iranian singer Amin Rezvani

How to tune?

 It is not possible to teach singing and voice production without considering correct singing.

 No matter how much you make a sound that has the right resonance and power, but you can’t find the right step of the piece you want to sing, it won’t be beautiful to sing.

 Even if you read without music, you may get the beginning of the song right due to repeated listening.

 You must have experienced that when you enter the progression part of a song, you change the pitch unintentionally and this wrong change will not be pleasant to other people’s ears.

 The biggest problem for those who can’t read tunes and recognize steps correctly is that even if they record and hear their own voice, they won’t notice their mistakes.  Because their ears have not faced their mistakes in a specialized way, and basically the brain does not have the ability to recognize the frequency of musical notes.  If he had this ability, it would be enough to record and listen to his voice many times on a simple piano practice, so that the brain will automatically correct the frequency generation command to the vocal chords over time.

 This process will solve the “flash” reading problem over time.

Practice changing frequency

 In order to be able to sing correctly, you must be able to create different frequencies with your voice and be able to change the frequency. For example, if the frequency of the note E4 is 329 Hz, you must be able to hear this frequency by listening to the sound of the piano.  produce, but if you can’t, you should try to reach this note by changing the frequency of your voice.

See the frequency of your voice in the software, try to reach the piano note frequency by changing your voice.

 For this, sometimes you need to raise your voice to reach the right frequency.  Bassing your voice is like you’re running on battery and now your battery is running out and so your voice starts to slow down and bass.  But if you need to increase the frequency of your voice, imagine that you are sitting on a roller coaster and it is constantly adding to your excitement and you are raising your voice from the normal speaking mode to your excited voice mode.  Or imagine how you call your friend to hear your voice when he slowly walks away from you.

 Once you’ve found the ability to produce different frequencies with your voice and have no problem lowering or raising them, it’s time to start singing different musical notes around the normal notes you speak.  .  It means that as you call your friend, who is standing 2 meters away from you, draw the vowel of the last letter of his name and see what note it shows on the software.  Then you have to produce up to 3 notes higher and 3 notes lower than it.

 For example, if the Net E software shows:

 You must count on the software,

 Produce the notes F, G and A upwards and the notes D, C and B downwards and see on the software.

  • Reminder:

 The musical notes will be like this if we start from the note “two”:

 Du ©, R (D), Mi €, Fa (F), Sel (G), La (A), Si (B)

 In the above exercise, if your voice shows the E note, the upper and lower notes will be as follows:

 B C D € F G A

 When you can sing 3 notes higher and 3 notes lower than your speaking voice,

 You have found the ability to read an octave and this has solved a large part of your tuning.

 After that, you can expand the notes and strengthen the higher and lower notes. But it is not recommended for you to do this without doing voice work. Because by not breathing correctly and using your vocal organs incorrectly, this possibility  It’s too much to hurt your vocal cords, and vocal cords aren’t like guitar strings that you can easily replace, or like an injured hand that you put in a cast to rest and heal.  Vocal cords are very sensitive and wrong training can lead to irreparable damage.

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