What is Digital Marketing, and what is the purpose of it?

Any type of marketing is a form of communication between the company and potential audience. As time passes, the means for this communication change and improve. If before postcards and billboards were more than enough to tell people about your business, new products, or services, now, this is just a drop in the ocean. Today, we will discuss the most advanced and effective way to promote any project – digital marketing.

What is it?

In simple words, it incorporates all possible ways of developing a digital marketing strategy on the Internet space. You won’t start arguing that it became the most powerful informational platform of all ages, will you? The number of Internet users is constantly growing, presupposing that your target audience increases together with it. The clue to its success lies in its universality and availability. Any information is available from any point of the globe: articles, blogs, video materials, shopping. The Internet is simply an immense space for marketing campaigns.

Its greatest advantage is that the Internet offers a lot of options for developing companies to choose to promote their businesses. It can be email newsletters, social media marketing, website development, video content creating, or a combination of a few elements, or even all of them. Which one best fits your business needs can identify just a professional digital marketing company. Meanwhile, let us consider every separate approach in more detail.

  • Website-based marketing opportunities.

Having a personal online page on the Internet is a great advantage for business owners. First of all, it testimonies the reputation and high ambitions of the company that is always commendable.  It allows the people to get to know the company, its history, main priorities, the services, and/or products it offers. This type allows implementing other effective marketing strategies and greatly increases the business possibilities.

  • Blogging.

Brands, which are loyal to their clients and offer something for free, are always valuable and respected. That is why many companies use blogs to provide interesting and useful information to the people and win their credit. This way is very effort- and time-consuming, but it is as beneficial for the business owners as it is for their customers. Except for dragging more attention to the company, proving its competence and professionalism, it allows using other online marketing like SEO, SEM, content marketing, etc.

  • Email marketing.

It is, perhaps, one of the most ‘ancient’ digital marketing services, but it has not lost its topicality until now. Sending the audience commercial message informing about new products, discounts, sales, promo codes, or just greetings with the holidays greatly increases the awareness about the company. The only point here is to really know your audience and their interests. Another way, it would be annoying for the people and would play against you.

  • Social media marketing.

This method is the most innovative and opens wide opportunities for tight communication and interaction with the audience. A wide variety of social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) allows finding your audience and gaining awareness of the brand. The trick about it is the topicality and engagement of the posts. There are too many competitors in the market. So, it demands a fast reaction, fresh ideas, interesting texts, and attractive pictures. You may create content for your social accounts on your own, or if you are not sure in your powers, hire a professional digital marketing agency.

  • Video marketing.

Indeed, it is a marketing strategy of the new generation. Pictures, articles, emails – all of this is good, but modern people are spoiled and not easy to impress. However, video content is still capable of doing that. Graphics and visual elements, special effects, animation, and moving pictures accompanied by pleasant music or interesting sound text will engage the viewers and drag their attention to your company/brand/service/product. Again, it is important to create quality content, which follows the recent trends and coincides with people’s interests. If you stick to these rules, you are in the right way.

  • Search engine optimization.

One of the most basic and long-term oriented marketing campaigns. It would be a perfect solution for those who are on a tight budget and concern the affordable marketing cost options and the companies that are interested in long-lasting marketing campaigns. It takes time to optimize the search and bring the website to the top-ten positions, but the efforts are justified as once you succeed, it will bring new visitors and sales a long time even after you cease the campaign.


Online or digital marketing is a vast space of business opportunities, just come and take. With all this variety of ways to reach the audience, digital gadgets, and the time people spend online, the results won’t make you wait long. All you need to do is to choose the right strategy, investigate the target audience, and implement the marketing campaign into your business routine.

If you are looking for a quality digital marketing (Toronto) agency, IntlTech is a professional company with an individual approach to every customer and an ambitious team of creative specialists. Boost your business with IntlTech.

Chris Thomas: