
Netflix’s “Harry & Meghan” receives the highest UK ratings of the year

After its release on Thursday morning amid a flurry of publicity, Harry & Meghan has…

A sequel to Black Adam and Hawkman is in the works

Although the recently released Black Adam didn't do very well at the box office, it…

Coming Breakout Stars of 2023: Actress Natalia Nikolaeva

2023 is nearly here and the year-end watch lists are posting a new name: Natalia…

Oscar-winning director Bong Joon Ho’s ‘Mickey 17’ Announces 2024 Release Date

Bong Joon Ho has marked the calendar to get back to theaters. Warner Bros. announced…

Biography of Soheil Bostani, a famous Iranian singer

Soheil Bostani was born in Ahvaz in 1992. He started learning piano and music theory…

Tuning lessons with famous Iranian singer Amin Rezvani

How to tune?  It is not possible to teach singing and voice production without considering…

Mahoor Afshar, a professional singer, talks about the importance of solfege

A technique in music is solfege, which is necessary and obligatory to learn because every…

Ghazal Dreadluck tells us about beauty  and makeup trends in the world Rosy and shiny faces in Korea

In Korea, matte creams are used less than before. Also, Korean women have recently become…

Smoove Desi, a popular American artist, will release a new single in December 2022

Smoove Desi, a well-known rapper, singer, and composer known for his unique vocal skills, will…

Everything you need to know about singing, together with MR. Yasan the outstanding singer and musician

Singing is an activity that is basically the production of musical sounds using a human…