Dominique Carole Maraj, a successful Entrepreneur, talks of living a life with purpose

Born in Mumbai India on January 16, 1981, brought up in Kuwait and later settling in Canada, Dominique Carole Maraj was already a global citizen at a very young age. Although Dominique pursued a formal education like most children, migrating to different countries enriched her childhood with some great stories and even greater experiences. While it seemed normal to move from one country to another, Dominique was traveling from culture to culture, along the way learning and absorbing all that she could. These experiences molded Dominique to be the person she is today – A successful entrepreneur, philanthropist and globetrotter.

Little was it known that these childhood travels would turn out to be Dominique’s business model one day; welcome to Learn Travel Play – an online platformthat gives families the resources to explore the opportunity of traveling full time while working and educating remotely. Dominique Maraj presents all parents the opportunity to raise their children as global citizens who grow up to accept, respect, and enjoy the diversity in people, culture, traditions, places, situations, developing them for anything life dishes out.

Apart from being an entrepreneur, Dominique has another role to play, probably the toughest and most critical – a mother of three. Dominique’s most cherished role is to raise her three lovely children;  Maddox (7), Maleah (3), and Mariah (1) whom she says are her biggest source of motivation in life and one of the main reasons behind launching Learn Travel Play.

She says “As a family, we travel full time and have an active life. Being an entrepreneur and a psychologist means I need to be very self-driven and passionate about what I do to stay motivated. It also means handling time differences, travel delays, and of course, three young children. It is challenging at times.” She wouldn’t have it any other way and loves the freedom to travel with her kids and learn so much about new cultures and different people every day. This enriching global experience not only benefits her personal growth but enables her children to have invaluable experiences and opportunities in life.

As a true philanthropist, Dominique Maraj believes in grassroot projects that support local communities to build a better future. She is passionate about giving back to the world more than she has received and making it a better place with her existence. She strives to instill the same education in her children hoping that they will continue in her footsteps. With Learn Travel Play, Dominique offers every parent and child an opportunity to design a life more on their own terms and less conventionally. Dominique Carole Maraj’s mantra is to never live life based on others’ expectations. “Nobody should limit their dreams as we only have one life to live.”

She is a keto energy coach, a life coach, a psychologist, and a consultant for budding Entrepreneurs. Naturally, Dominique has her fair share of issues while managing her kids and businesses simultaneously. But she is driven towards leaving behind a legacy of a life well-lived which keeps her going.

Today, Dominique Maraj is a successful businesswoman juggling multiple business including cosmetics, education and health & wellness; she successfully transitioned online allowing her to work remotely. Learn Travel Play is a platform where she shares her journey of living life on her terms and raising her children to be global citizens of tomorrow. She offers to share her knowledge, learning and resources through this platform to all those who want to have the same life experiences as her and her family.

Connect with Dominique Carole Maraj on her social media platforms, to get an inside peek into her professional as well as personal life. Follow her on:

Instagram- @Dominiquemaraj


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