Emerging as one of the finest talents in entrepreneurship is a man of honour and courage – Omar Al Ashi

Omar Al Ashi, CEO of Urent, uses his experience, quality, consistency and overall learning what the customers really need and demand and implements the plan accordingly.

Many people dream of becoming entrepreneurs someday. But realising that there are other aspects that needs to be taken into consideration. Moreover, we need to ask ourselves if we are ready to take the challenge to the outside world. Because, not many people have the vision, innovation and creativity to become a successful entrepreneur.

Every individual must have a positive attitude and accept the responsibility, have discipline to meet their goals, and take action when the opportunity presents itself. One such name in the entrepreneurial world is that of Omar Al Ashi, an Emirati entrepreneur. A name who has created wonders since past decades in the business world in MENA region.

Coming from humble beginnings, Omar made a name for himself in the digital technology industry by doing what he loves and using his potential to the fullest. He is an expert at going above and beyond the call of duty to meet customer needs.

Omar has truly accomplished great things while maintaining a positive attitude that is contagious among his teammates. He has also faced a lot of obstacles to get where he is now.

Businesses trying to survive the current economic crisis need to pursue competitive advantages and empower them and Omar is very well updated about the market conditions in today’s world. He knows about the competitive advantage results from matching core competencies and right to the opportunities.

He uses his experience, quality, consistency and overall learning what the customers really need and demand. Being a CEO of the world’s first peer-to-peer vehicle sharing platform ‘Urent’ is no exception. And with the consistent growth in the business, Omar is all set to take Urent into different regions, but with a twist what to know what it is?

Omar had a dream of not only achieving a big name in the business world, but also wanted to achieve greater heights. And now his work has been featured in many magazines and international news portals as well, including Arabian Business and RichEndTech.

He has always believed that it’s important to be open-minded and not get attached to a particular idea. The best ideas are formed through exploring other ones. We shouldn’t let ourselves limit our thinking by falling in love with just what we have now. It is also crucial to never stop learning from our mistakes and failures.

Omar has been a key component for success! He has taken over the automotive niche across his Instagram page. Moreover, he is all set to showcase more of his elegant lifestyle as a fitness enthusiast and as an entrepreneur to more people.

Follow Omar on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/omar.alashi/ 

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