From Humble Beginnings to Stock Trading Riches: Chike Ozigbo aka Chike Trades

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can be achieved.” This quote from Dr Napoleon Hill helped drive Chike Ozigbo to achieve financial success. Studying the works of Dr Hill and Bob Proctor, Chike was intrigued with the idea of paradigms and altering human behavior through patterns and routines. So, he shaped his own mind to become more focused on his life goals.

Chike was raised in Nigeria by his single mother, who took care of Chike and his three siblings. His family got by, thanks to hard work from his mother. Chike’s mother managed to save up enough to move her family to the United States in hopes of a better life for her and her children. Inspired by his mother’s hard work, Chike was determined to achieve a high level of success and give his mother a well-deserved rest.

Chike was able to get an education for nursing, and started a career in the medical field. While he made enough money to support himself, he wanted to grow to new heights. When he heard that a friend of his was trading stocks, he became intrigued and learned the basics. Before long, Chike was trading stocks of his own, starting his first account with $10k.

Chike went into the stock market with a sharpened mind, with expectations to succeed. Unfortunately for him, he would lose his first $10k invested. This was a major loss; however, Chike didn’t lose sight of his original goal. After opening another account with $5k, in just under 2 years, Chike grew his account to over $500k. Now, with his newfound success, Chike continues to sell stocks in hopes to elevate his game even further. With his mind focused on his craft, Chike will be able to make good on his promise to give his mother a rest, and maybe a new car too!

You can find Chike Ozigbo on Instagram here:

Justin Beltrame: