‘Hard work always pays off’ say Maulik Patel and Vidhi Patel, proprietors of the Inclined studio

With the changing realms of art, Architecture Photography is a dynamic method to express the ideas and communicate to the impulse of the customers. What matters is the way of perception, the ability to visualize common things extraordinarily. This conceptual edge of Architecture Photography made Maulik Patel and Vidhi Patel, the owners of Inclined Studio in Ahmedabad rise as top experts in the niche. The success that they embrace today is due to their hard work and series of experimental thoughts that resulted in more than 700 projects on the interior, architecture, and landscape.

Rather than the competition, they focus on customer satisfaction, both of them strongly consider their clients as their asset and soul of their business. More than customer gratification  they pivot in customer delight. Maulik Patel and Vidhi Patel are in a quest to expand their architectural vocabulary. Their ideals laid the foundation of their accomplishments which includes over 150 projects published in many eminent magazines and books, IID Magazine 2017 cover page, Timeless living 2018 publishing, etc.

The inclined studio is well known for its ingenious development in enabling the common folks to understand the complicated pieces of stuff of Architectural photography readily. They choose to take a conceptual approach rather than a technical one which marks them as distinguished in the field.’ Quality with individuality’ is the mission and vision of their firm. They stick on to professional and reliable devices for photography for they never compromise with the perfection of their work. The keen photographers of the company are highly skilled in visualizing and analyzing different scenarios of work and try to add the different hues to their art with tradition.

Maulik Patel says “Life is always filled up with miracles, surprises, and challenges as we can’t depict what will happen next”, Maulik never had a plan to turn his degree in interior designing to a full-fledged commercial business, everything happened at a fortunate stroke of serendipity to him, leading to the shooting of interiors for many hotels and renowned companies in and out of Gujarat. Being a better problem solver he dealt with the varying aspects of designing such as reflections, color, space, and time with an artistic mindset.

Since 2015 Vidhi Patel has striven along with her employees in her success journey. She keeps a close eye on different attributes of photography like composition, angles, etc. Apart from helping people to picture buildings that they have never seen, the company also helps them to draw a mental map of the photographed locations. They use both HDR blending and natural light for their images and prioritize good lighting as the root of the best photographs. The ability to meet up the expectation of people and their needs like opting for sunset hours to shoot architectural wonders make them a way different from others.

The inclined studio is in a venture to explore the possibilities to execute their architectural photography projects in the most effective way for their prospects. They inspire many others to input creative efforts and create different prototypes and models for the renovation in the industry.

Derek Robins: