Jaliel Thompson Charity Affiliations

More and more we are seeing various charitable organizations being formed and helping in areas of animal, environmental, international NGOs, health, education, and Arts & Culture. These charities are often nonprofit organizations whose primary objectives are philanthropy and social well-being (e.g. educational and religious or other activities serving the public interest or common good).  Charitable organizations often depend partly on donations from businesses. Such donations to charitable organizations represent a major form of corporate philanthropy.  We are writing to introduce you to Jaliel Thompson a philanthropist in his town who has been spending 10% of his earnings to a local charitable organization for the last 10 years.

Jaliel Thompson understands that with all the crises in the world and the series of current events, now is the time more than ever to join forces with more charitable organizations to raise social economics and injustice.  “I give cheerfully and wish I could do so much more to help these organizations grow and change the world.” Thompson says.

For many years Jaliel Thompson operated as the underdog and underprivileged.  Everyone counted him out.  He escaped by mentoring and pouring into others who experienced the same.  He is set to launch his own nonprofit spring of 2021, which will focus on building and affirming young men.  We commend him on taking this on as there is a need for boys who grow as men and change the narrative.  “Where they’ve been torn down, I’ll build them up, where they’ve been rejected, I’ll accept them, where the door has been closed I’ll open mine,” says Thompson.

About Jaliel Thompson

Jaliel Thompson transformed his life through mentoring and coaching. He is a Certified Professional Life, Executive & Business Coach. He has been working with men, women and their families mentoring, counseling, and coaching them for over 10 years. At a young age he knew he was different, but the world used his difference against him forcing him to create his own reality with false hope.  He was stuck with no one who understood him enough to help him push past his self-imposed limitations. he got so fed up that he birthed a “WHY” that was so BIG it made him non-negotiable to any problem, fear, circumstance, and rejection. He was winning with a bad hand and got so much success he wanted to help those he saw struggling and in need. He began coaching and mentoring for others what he needed for himself.

That was his weapon, and his escape; through this he found his calling. Now he lives a life of Passion, helping people remove their limitations, so they can reach their highest potential, and ultimately their Purpose.

 Website: http://jalielthompsoncoaching.com

Chris Thomas: