Nipsita Panda makes it to be one of THE CHOSEN ONE by AwardsArc.

Maintaining a very hard profession with a thoughtful passion like writing is not possible for every fellow but Nipsita Panda is maintaining both of them like a boss and this quality of hers, led her to be one of THE CHOSEN ONES by AwardsArc.

Nipsita Panda is a single child and both of her parents are in educational field. After completing her 12th from Chaitanya College Vizag, she started preparing for her NEET UG exams and she cleared that successfully. Other than her academic excellence, she’s also a content writer in CYTOPOT app and she took part as a co-author in 4 anthologies.

Her work is widely appreciated which also led her to get spectrum budding Writers Award. It was hard for Nipsita to manage time between her studies and passion and study for NEET requires a lot of hard work and dedication but she managed it so beautifully that today it’s her 4th year in Sum hospital and she’s also an amazing content writer.

Nipsita has a great concern about the situation that India is facing now. She says, “India – our Country is facing a great challenge of the dreadful corona virus and being a medical student, if I got any opportunity to help anyone, I would love and be blessed to do it, as serving is what I believe is mankind. I want to develop my country in basis of quality not quantity, quantity can be gained any time but humanity, quality and respect for country is what we need nowadays as it has been lost somewhere.

“Other than that she also want to develop a quality relationship and contact to people because as of now, she’s an introvert. She really wants to explore herself. She says that, No one can be perfect but we can try our best to be the good to better person.”

Right now Nipsita is living her life to the fullest, fulfilling her duty by profession and enjoying her passion. Her amazing work in both professional field and in writing made her to be one of THE CHOSEN ONES by AwardsArc.

We might see her as an asset to our country.

Derek Robins: