The Challenges of First-Time Entrepreneurship with Momo Njie, Founder of LucidFX

What was one challenge you had to overcome to build your business?

I was a first-time entrepreneur, so I had no idea what I was up against. By the end of the first year I had over 1,300 students, which is more than I had ever anticipated. I didn’t structure my courses to handle that many students. Early on, when there were only a few students, I would do one-on-one meetings with any student who asked. Then the class took off, and suddenly I had more students wanting one-on-ones than I had time for. I didn’t even have time to trade because I was so busy. I had to figure out how to restructure my offerings to make sure I had time to help my students and do my work. There was a huge learning curve to handling a business that grew so quickly.

How did your business grow so quickly?

Word-of-mouth. Once someone found us and got value out of what we do, they stuck around and told others to join. It snowballed from there.

What’s a motto that you live by?

My personal motto is: do good and good will come to you. As far as my company, my slogan is: First you learn, then you remove the “L”. 

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