The driving force behind Jason Alvarez-Cohen’s business

For Jason Alvarez-Cohen there were many different aspects to life put aside in order to pursue a career in the technology industry. Friendships, parties, events, Jason feels that in order to create something that adds value to millions of people, you need to put these priorities aside and focus on building a successful company. With this mindset, Jason Alvarez-Cohen has built Popl, the next generation business card.

Jason’s company, Popl, has a number of distinguishing characteristics that set it apart from others. The company has a variety of core beliefs, which are summarized here:

Move the needle daily

Popl is a family and we appreciates each other

Celebrate small wins (& sunsets)

Launch, iterate, repeat

Focus on solutions, not problems


Be a self starter

Jason claims that the company has numerous future growth plans, and that he expects to eventually take over the business card space. Popl is currently focused on the individual market, but are soon starting to concentrate on the enterprise sector as well with Popl Enterprise, a multi-Popl management dashboard designed for teams.

Jason may be found on social media (@jasonalco on Instagram and LinkedIn), where you can monitor his progress in the technology world. Jason provides various business ideas and tactics, as well as information about his own company. Keep an eye out for Popl and stay up to date on the most cutting-edge technologies.

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