Top 5 questions a divorce lawyer may ask you – Be ready to answer them

It goes without mentioning that the first meeting with your divorce lawyer will be fraught with emotions. It is natural that you’ll go to meet the lawyer feeling sad, frustrated, unsure, and tensed. While it is true that these feelings can even be negated by a sense of relief but such a day is definitely going to be difficult and draining. 

Before you seek the help of your Columbus divorce attorney, don’t you think it is better to stay aware of what you may expect while meeting him? Yes, staying aware beforehand is the only way you can relieve yourself of stress. Here are a few top questions your divorce lawyer may ask you. 

Question #1: What is the reason behind your seeking a divorce?

These days, there are numerous reasons why couples split. However, some of the common reasons for divorce may include a dearth of communication, marital infidelity, lack of intimacy, physical or verbal abuse, and addiction or substance abuse. It is important for a divorce lawyer to know the reason behind your divorce as this helps them determine the definite trajectory of the case. 

Question #2: What is your present living arrangement?

Every couple is unique and they divorce at their own pace. While some stay together till they file for a divorce, some others separate much before they file for divorce. Hence, before taking any legal step, the attorney will try to know whether or not you both live together or are separate. It is also vital for them to know who lives in the family home and who owns it. 

Question #3: Do you both have any children?

During a divorce, one of the most contentious and critical issues is child custody. Hence, it is necessary that your attorney asks you whether or not you both have any kids together. If the kids are still minors, things may get complicated. Child custody issues can get highly stressful and emotional. So, it is better, to be frank with your attorney about your expectations and wishes. 

Question #4: How long are you both separated?

Are you and your spouse already separated? If yes, the lawyer will want to know for how long you both have been staying separate from each other. When it is an informal separation, this won’t have an impact on your divorce but a legal separation would have a noteworthy impact on the way you handle things in the near future. The legal separation usually determines the rules of property division, alimony, and child custody. 

Question #5: What are the present real estate assets?

In case you have real estate assets that you both share together, you have to divide them as soon as possible. The divorce lawyer you hire will require knowing the details about real estate holding. Make sure you arrive at the first meeting with relevant documents regarding your real estate. 

Therefore, now that you are ready with the answers to the most common questions that your divorce lawyer may ask you, what are you waiting for? Get hold of a lawyer and initiate a divorce.

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