Yamily Benigni, a food blogger from Brazil, teaches her 3 ingredients bliss balls

Yamily Benigni is a popular food blogger from Brazil, which has more than 400K followers on Instagram and 350K on Youtube, she shares her favourites recipes to help people lose weight.

After losing 20kg herself, she decided to help others to do the same, Yamily Benigni is sharing almost every day a new recipe on her social media platforms. 

She has more than 500 free recipes available online and became one of the most followed Brazilian food bloggers.

In her blog Emagrecer Certo, she posts videos and photos showing step-by-step of her recipes and today she shares her 3 ingredients bliss balls.

These functional sweets take only 3 ingredients, are super easy to make and have no gluten, lactose, or refined sugar, they are paleo, vegan, keto, plus tasty.

Coconut flour is naturally gluten-free, low glycemic index, and yields well as it absorbs plenty of water. 

“The liquid sweetener I used was the coconut nectar, which is like honey, dark in colour, with a light coconut flavour and sweet flavour. And if you want to spruce, which is totally optional, you can use desiccated coconut without sugar, or pieces of nuts of your choice.”


  • ½ cup of tahini (sesame paste)
  • ½ cup of a liquid sweetener, for example, agave, maple syrup, coconut nectar, molasses or honey (for non-vegans).
  • ¼ cup of coconut flour
  • Optional: desiccated coconut or crushed pistachios for garnishing.


  1. In a bowl, add ½ cup of tahini, ½ cup of the liquid sweetener of your choice and stir well until incorporated.
  2. Then add ¼ cup of coconut flour and stir to gain consistency, the coconut flour swells after about 2 minutes, if you notice that it is very liquid, then add more coconut flour.
  3. When becomes a cookie dough consistency, shape into balls and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  4. After 30 minutes, roll on the desiccated coconut or crushed nuts and Bon-appetite.

Original recipe from https://emagrecercerto.com/docinho-funcional-com-3-ingredientes-sem-lactose

You can find Yamily on Instagram @yamilybenigni


Lisa Miller: Contact Author