BHN News is Re-imagining the World of Journalism
- Guest Posts
- May 30, 2021
A cup of hot tea with the newspaper is the quintessential start to mornings in India. Well, the romance of newspapers may soon be a nostalgic memory of the yesteryears. India has over 700 million internet users, which is increasing rapidly due the effect of covid-19 pandemic. With low cost devices and better 3G/4G internet speed, the traditional journalistic landscape is slowly giving way to digital or online journalism.
Digital journalism sets itself apart from the print and T.V. journalism on many accounts. It has catapulted news from a once-a-day product to an ongoing event to be consumed real time on social media and news portals.
The BHN News is one of several portals in the Indian cyberspace which are re-imagining the news world. The website is structured like a multimedia newspaper. It covers latest news from India, all exclusive current headlines and India news live, including hot topics, latest breaking news on business, sports, world and entertainment with exclusive Opinions and Editorials.
The portal www.bhnnews.com is a recognized and unbiased news organization whose focus is on spotless and truthful reporting. The news on this website is written using the most basic reports you have ever seen.
BHNNews has a larger audience politically than many other news media. Even when it comes to very controversial topics, It uses balanced and neutral language in its reports.
The title of the article on the website is true and informative, including the context and views of all parties involved in the debate.
It is a legitimate source of information and an excellent team of people, checking facts and checking the information they publish. They strive to provide unbiased information on various news topics.
As a publication, The BHN News is firmly committed to the public interest and democratic values. Apart from providing authoritative analysis and commentary, the aim, as resources grow, is to build it as a well informed digital society. It is an ideological news channel that delivers unbiased news to their viewers. The commitment towards enhanced readability and engagement is also why BHN News has gained massive traction.
Download the app to receive breaking news updates before they are flashed on television screens and other media outlets- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bhn.news.wordpresstoapp&hl=en_IN&gl=US