Covert Alert: Voice activated Personal Safety App is now Available on both Android and iOS
- Technology
- February 28, 2019
Covert Alert is the first hands-free, voice activated safety application on the market today and is now available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Not only does Covert Alert send an instant message to your designated contacts, it also provides a GPS link to track the user in real time. While the user is in emergency mode, the app is covertly recording everything happening during the event, even in lock screen mode. We took it into our hands to save you time in a real-life emergency, only having to use your voice to state your three key words and instantly have that piece of mind that Covert Alert has your back.
Covert Alert is not a tracking device, nor is it designed to violate the user’s privacy, however, when the user activates the app, Covert Alert may add needed seconds to assist in any situation.
“People shouldn’t have to be afraid in any situation,” explains Covert Alert’s CEO, Craig Bracken. “That’s why it’s so important to us that our app does what it says. We have been working day and night to make the most cohesive, cutting-edge user experience, while at the same time revitalizing our brand and getting ready to make Covert Alert a house hold name. We still have so much up our sleeve with this product and new products like the C3VLAR360 for business, schools, home, and offices that are getting ready to be released, and they do not include the need for third party call centers.” Bracken continues, “there is no limit to what can be accomplished in immediately assisting first responders, especially with voice activation. Our new mapping system about to be released is one of a kind and will give first responders the upper hand on predators of all types. Our upcoming roll out of the new products will eclipse all innovations on the market today. Covert Alert will continue to expand and leverage the most cutting edge, innovative technology to protect our friends and our family, keeping America and soon the world, connected & protected.”
About Covert Alert
Covert Alert is a hands-free mobile application designed to assist its users in all emergency and non-emergency situations. Most times are impractical to have the use of your hands in an emergency situation to manually activate your emergency device. Covert Alert allows you to speak three key words, which the user has preset to activate the most advanced emergency system on the market today without anyone knowing. Preset contacts are notified of the user’s situation, as well as local authorities. Real time GPS tracking is available to your contacts along with MPH in a moving situation. Verbal recording of the entire incident taking place is saved for future use in the app and a secure server. Documented studies show that having additional seconds on your side during an emergency situation means the difference between life and death. Covert Alert provides those additional seconds with the sound of your voice, covertly.
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Lucrative Innovations, Inc. is registered with the Indiana Secretary of State and is D/B/A Covert Alert. Terms of Use and User Privacy Policies are available at www.covertalert.com.
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Media Contact:
Aylah Weinstein
Brand Bomb Marketing