- Guest Posts
- February 26, 2021
Da’Very Ezell Joseph, better known as Blakk Gawd, learned the ways to gain a personal fan base and social media support system. Blakk Gawd knows it more just having talent. To be successful in the music field an artist has to learn how to get his talent in front of a multitude of people. Blakk learned the secret of algorithms, running ads, connecting with the right people.
“This world runs off the digital grid now. I do not need to sit in the office of a well known person to get help with exposure. I just need to learn how to digitally market myself. I learned just that.” – Blakk Gawd
Blakk Gawd makes it look easy, but it wasn’t just a walk in the park. When dropping his first album,”Loki” Blakk Gawd thought that was all that it took. He thought distributing his music on all music platforms the whole world will fall in love with his music with no effort. No, that was far from the case. Blakk knew he had work to do to get the masses to bow to his flow and delivery. Blakk took the time to educate himself on the components to get social media to work for him. Blakk spent months using google to educate himself on how to runs campaign, using the perfect hashtags, and creating social media content that would gain him more followers. After months of practice and learning from trial and error, Blakk felt he was ready to try again. Blakk Gawd released his hit single,”Fressh Fressh” featuring rap artist PrettyMF. Blakk Gawd finally received the break he has been waiting on. Using the right algorithms, Blakk Gawd single “Fressh Fressh” received more than 200,000 streams and 8,000 followers on Spotify.
“Taking the time to research and learn what I needed to learn makes everything worth it. I was frustrated at first, but now I am glad that I took the time to learn what I needed to learn. Now my fan base is growing and streams are going up. That’s a good feeling as a independent artists” – Blakk Gawd
To keep update to date with Blakk Gawd follow Blakk Gawd on Instagram @blakkgawd
To check out Blakk Gawd’s latest music click the link below.