How to Stay at Top of Your Health
- Healthcare
- March 26, 2021
How to stay healthy while it is essential to be able to treat oneself, it is just as important and even a priority to play prevention. Objective: to guard against the risk of disease by focusing on a healthy lifestyle likely to increase our life expectancy. In terms of health prevention, acting on the causes of illnesses complements action to treat them. Our behavior, our habits and our lifestyle (diet, sport, and alcohol or tobacco consumption) constitute a potentially harmful basis for health.
To optimize our life expectancy in good health, it is therefore necessary to find the right balance between our tastes, our desires, our habits and our capacity to make them evolve or even the risks that we more or less accept to take. prevention and health education are based on personal factors that influence our state of health, on our physical and psychological condition and on our ability to generate “better living” in the long term.
Healthy Life Expectancy
If life expectancy continues to increase, we have recently noticed that that of “healthy life” has reached a plateau and is even tending to decline in certain European countries. In France, today we live in good health on average up to 64.2 years for women, and 63.1 years for men. This decline is directly linked to the increase in chronic diseases which affect increasingly younger people and whose development is related to environmental and behavioral determinants (poor lifestyle, harmful habits, unsuitable diet, etc.
More than 3 million people are suffering from cardiovascular diseases (hypertension), nearly 2 million people suffer from cancer and as many from diabetes. There is a rapid progression of neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson’s), respiratory diseases (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary bronchitis), allergies or fertility problems (one in seven couples is confronted with it).
Stay in good health thanks to a lifestyle adapted to each one
If these health data remain impersonal averages, they nevertheless indicate a trend that concerns us all by affecting us each in a specific and singular way. We are not equal and identical when it comes to the challenges of our health, so it is important to interpret them in the light of our own existence in order to adopt an adapted lifestyle. Physical and psychological characteristics (weight, sensitivity to stress, fatigue, fragility or, on the contrary, particular resistance, etc.), family history, lifestyle and behavior (diet, physical activity, consumption of tobacco, alcohol, etc.) are as many personal factors that can influence the risks to which one is exposed. In terms of health prevention,
Health and Nutrition: The Importance of an Adapted Diet
The health topics and guidelines to follow for a balanced diet can be difficult to follow, including from a financial point of view. The food budget indeed embodies a significant and mandatory expenditure. However, without seeking to adopt an ultra-restrictive lifestyle due to a drastic and expensive health regime, some nutrition advice is fairly easy to follow and not necessarily more expensive than junk food “.
Good health nutrition reflexes: get used to a varied and balanced diet by preferring fresh products rather than those already prepared, by limiting excess sugar and salt or even fat (foods already contain it naturally), by avoiding “nibbling” between meals, containing the quantities. As in many areas, it can be useful to question the relationship between quality and quantity: “eat less but better”, easier said than done but still.
The use of the car or public transport, the mechanization of work and the parts of jobs, urbanization and even the peril-urbanization of places of life make physical activity less natural on a daily basis. These lifestyle habits impose the integration of a physical activity in our days. Objective: to improve our hygiene of life and thus preserve our health. Walking, physical exercises at home, regular practice of a sport, the possibilities are varied and all valid.
Another risk factor in terms of health: the health risks linked to our behavior and our lifestyle. These include the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, among other products whose excess is not recommended to guarantee a healthy life expectancy worthy of the name. Without considering life from a too austere or ascetic point of view, being wary of one’s behaviors when they tend to become too frequent, even addictive, can be a good bulwark to limit the risks.
In matters of lifestyle and health prevention, respecting regular rhythms is another essential aspect: being attentive to your own sleep, to your state of fatigue and relaxation. conditions in close relation with everything else (diet, physical activity, consumption of stimulants. A whole where everything is linked!