What is at risk when obtaining a loan for a small business
- Business
- November 29, 2023
You will probably eventually need to raise some capital if you are a small business owner. There are numerous ways to accomplish this, such as using credit cards, obtaining a bank loan for small business use, or borrowing from relatives or friends. However you manage to scrape together the money, you must think about how you will repay them.
Westfield compiled a list of possible risks associated with taking out a loan to finance a small business using news reports and industry sources. A Federal Reserve small business report from 2022 states that almost three out of four companies with paid staff owed money. Forty percent of indebted businesses have borrowed at least $100,000. However you manage to scrape together the money, you must think about how you will repay them.
People who wish to stay away from loans and credit card debt can look for investors and give them shares of their company. This tactic does, however, come with some risks. You give up more control over your business strategies the more ownership you give to outside investors.
Ensure that you are aware of the risks and long-term effects associated with any form of business funding you choose to pursue.
letting a loan default
A woman running a small business worriesly glances at her laptop.
Looking to raise capital for your small business? The most obvious option may seem to be a traditional bank loan. A conventional business loan from your bank or one supported by the Small Business Administration are two of your options in this situation. Because SBA loans are guaranteed by the government and present less risk to lenders, they are usually approved more easily.
Defaulting on a loan, regardless of the type taken out, will result in dire consequences. Any collateral you have put up will be forfeited, and both your personal and business credit ratings may suffer. Since most SBA loans call for a personal guarantee, if you are unable to repay the loan, your lender may take possession of your personal belongings.
It’s imperative to take only what you need and to have a repayment plan in place before taking out a loan.
Interest levels rise
In an empty restaurant, two small business owners go over their finances.
Using a personal or business credit card to cover business expenses is an alternative to taking out a small business loan. When your cash flow is erratic, a credit card can help you make sure you can pay suppliers on time because you can pay off your balance over time or later.
Not to mention, unlike loans, credit cards don’t have a predetermined payback schedule. You’ll need to practice financial self-control when it comes to making your monthly payments in order to prevent piling up debt over time.
Taking Charge
In a working environment, two people are having a serious conversation.
If you’re concerned about the consequences of taking out a bank or credit card company loan, you might want to look into venture capital or angel investing as a possible source of funding for your company. In this scenario, you would obtain the money you require to maintain the business by offering equity in it.
This approach carries risk if you give investors an excessive amount of control. You give up more control over your company the more equity you give up. Particularly if you offer a majority share, carefully consider how much control you are willing to cede and how much you trust the advice of the investors you bring on.