What is Tax Haven and It’s Advantages?
- Guest Posts
- September 22, 2021
When we talk about tax havens, the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind is Switzerland. It has been a favorite among the world’s super-rich people to save money on taxes. But what actually tax haven is and what are its advantages.
Let’s dive right in to find out.
What is Tax Haven?
Tax havens are those offshore countries where foreign individuals and businesses can put their money in the country’s local institutions to avoid paying home country taxes on gains or profits. These tax haven countries offer the benefit of little to no tax liability, and company owners or consumers with considerable wealth do not usually need to be citizens to take advantage of this kind of tax loophole.
These countries are heaven for investors and businesses as they levy taxes at a meager rate for foreign investors. About 10% of the total output of all the economies globally resides in offshore financial centers, held by companies that exist only on paper.
Tax havens attract a generous amount of capital inflow to their own country. They impose fees, charges, and even low tax rates to generate government revenue. One need not reside in these countries or have a business presence to benefit from their tax policies.
Money can flow in from individuals and companies with accounts set up at banks, financial institutions, and other investment vehicles. Individuals and corporations can potentially save a lot from low or no taxes charged on income in foreign countries where loopholes, credits, or other special tax considerations may be allowed.
Countries that are considered tax havens share limited or no financial information with foreign tax authorities. Some of the most popular tax haven countries are Monaco, Panama, Switzerland, etc. Additionally, tax haven islands like the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, the Channel Islands, the Cook Islands, Jersey, The Isle of Man, etc., are popular among individuals and businesses that are keen on saving money on taxes.
Characteristics of Tax Haven Countries
- No or low-income taxes
- Lack of transparency
- Minimal reporting of information with foreign tax authorities
- Lack of local presence requirements
Advantages of Tax Haven?
There are many tax haven advantages as there is little or no tax liability. Most of the time, they do not require residency or business presence for individuals and businesses to benefit from their tax policies. Also, the tax havens are very discreet. They share little or no financial information with foreign tax authorities, making them a safe haven for uber-rich people who want to avoid paying tax in their home country.
While high-taxing countries lose corporate tax revenue from businesses shifting their profits somewhere else, tax havens charge a lower tax rate than other countries. They may charge a new company registration fee and get renewal charges paid every year. Additional fees may also be charged, such as license fees. All these charges would add up to a recurring fixed income for the tax havens.
On the one hand, individuals or corporations get to save money on taxes. With the help of tax havens, businesses shift their profits to subsidiaries in identified tax haven countries and leverage this loophole to reduce or even eliminate their tax liability and avoid having to pay in their home country. This tax in tax haven countries may range from zero to low single digits compared to high taxes in their country of citizenship or domicile.
On the other hand, tax havens earn more by attracting capital to their banks and financial institutions; even if they are only charged a nominal tax rate, the country may earn substantially more in tax revenues than it would otherwise. They can use the money to build a thriving financial sector. So, it’s a win-win situation for all parties involved.
Businesses, especially those that transact across borders, can enjoy massive tax savings by routing payments, profits, or investments through subsidiaries in offshore financial centers. The money that they save is then used to reward shareholders and edge out smaller competitors.
By attracting foreign individuals or businesses, even if they are only charged a nominal tax rate, the country may earn substantially more tax revenues than otherwise. Also, the country may benefit from corporate investments in business operations that offer jobs to the country’s residents.
Major Tax Haven Countries
There have been many offshore countries in Europe that have become tax-havens. These countries offer favorable environments for capital gains taxes, income taxes, and corporate taxes. They are known to significantly reduce and eliminate taxes that would have otherwise been due by domestic tax authorities if not for their placement in offshore accounts. From banking, saving money, and investing abroad, these countries are suitable for various types of offshore business.
Financial Secrecy Index or FSI ranks countries and territories worldwide based on secrecy and scale. Following is the Corporate Tax Haven Index – 2021.
1. British Virgin Islands
2. Cayman Islands
3. Bermuda
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Luxembourg
7. Hong Kong
8. Jersey
9. Singapore
10. United Arab Emirates
The countries were scored based on how well their banking system can hide money. This includes taking ownership registration, legal entity transparency, tax, and financial regulations into account and analyzing it. Another basis was the country’s share of the world’s total cross-border financial services.
Top Companies to Benefit from Tax Havens
If you thought that only wealthy individuals and businesses took advantage of tax havens, then you are entirely wrong. Some companies that have historically been known for offshore tax haven holdings include:
- Apple
- Microsoft
- Alphabet
- Cisco
- Oracle
- Nike
How Much Money is in Tax Havens?
It is difficult to pinpoint how much tax haven countries have stashed as they are very secretive about it. As per the estimate of French economist Gabriel Zucman, the money equivalent to 10% of global GDP is held offshore – about $5.6 trillion. Another economist James Henry estimates as much as $32 trillion is stashed offshore.
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