Why does the unknown scare you?
- Environment
- March 10, 2020
A person has the ability to adapt even to what does not suit him too much, because this is his “comfort zone”. And yet, despite the name, it is not always comfortable, but safe!
Were you afraid of the dark as a child? This fear is often associated not so much with the absence of light, but with the dangers that darkness can conceal. You’re probably still afraid of the dark. Only in adulthood, darkness is an unknown that, if not frightening, is at least alarming. The brain begins to finish drawing the most unpleasant scenarios. It is obvious that if a person is afraid to “get out of his Bank”, then it is not necessary to talk about achievements. In my article, I tell you why the unknown is frightening and give you a few coaching questions that you can ask yourself to significantly reduce the level of fear of the unknown.
The main reasons for the fear of the unknown are the fear of getting into trouble, the fear of losing what you have and the lack of confidence in your abilities. Agree, these reasons are quite weighty to literally “paralyze”. But if you think about it, life itself is a continuous uncertainty after uncertainty. No one knows what’s going to happen tomorrow. It turns out that the fear of the unknown is associated with a deliberately negative assessment of your future.
After all, there is always a chance to get into trouble (even for small things) or even lose everything you have, and because of the lack of a sense of security and self-confidence, it is difficult to believe in success.
By the way, scientists have come to the conclusion that the perception of the unknown is very closely related to the degree of satisfaction with the business that a person is passionate about. In other words, if you have a goal that you want to achieve (that is, you clearly know why you are doing something), you can figure out how to do it, which will reduce the level of anxiety due to the unknown.
“It is obvious that in order to cope with the fear of the unknown, you need to achieve at least some certainty. Of course, it is very difficult to describe in detail all the steps for a goal, especially if it is long-term. But this is not necessary. Sometimes it is enough to decide what you plan to do at the next stage” – says the Polish coach Anastasiia Dashynska. She conducts online author sessions in Polish, Russian and English. The peculiarity is that coaching sessions are held in the text chat mode, which contributes to the better involvement of students in the process and the disclosure of their potential. “I consider the issue of removing the fear of the unknown with my clients in the author’s coaching session “Hit the bull’s-eye”. In it, we analyze the current situation in detail, namely goals, resources, and barriers, and pay attention to the emotional component, that is, the client’s feelings, so that you can choose the best of the opportunities.”
What is it about? Imagine that your goal is visible somewhere in the distance, and to achieve it, you need to make, for example, 100 conditional steps. But the truth is that you can’t see and calculate all these steps, and you don’t even know what surprises life has in store for you. But believe me, to get some clarity, you need to know what you plan to do when you reach points “2” and “3”.
Ask yourself:
1. What does my situation look like now? Where (at what point) am I and where am I going?
2. What do I need to do now, at this stage?
3. How can I do this? What resources and opportunities do I have?
4. What will my next step be?
This is enough for a start. Later, when you get to the planned point, you will get more information than when you were at the first point. And then you can ask yourself new questions and evaluate what resources you have to get to the next points. That’s why the “Hit the bull’s-eye” coaching session (http://selfcoaching.site/en/coach-anastasiia-dashynska/coaching-session-with-anastasiia-dashynska-hit-the-bulls-eye) is almost guaranteed to solve goal-setting problems. It consists of 3 modules. How does it work? The first module is related to setting a goal, the second is aimed at considering the goal in the long term as detailed as possible, and the third helps to correct the goal when you have passed part of the way. Practice shows that such work is more than targeted and helps to go the way from choosing a goal to its implementation. The first session only costs $19.99, so you can try it out and see how useful it can be for you.