Coming To America: Academic/ Entrepreneur Thais Boeira Launches Public Health Consultancy
- Business
- December 5, 2022
In the aftermath of the Covid pandemic, public health concerns have gone from an obscure academic backwater to 24-hour news coverage and exploding awareness in the world-wide cultural mainstream.
In the wake of these developments the World Health Organization and its affiliated NGO’s are launching numerous initiatives to address this renewed pop culture focus on public health. In this moment it is private sector companies are helping meeting this burgeoning need with business initiatives to attend public health concerns.
Toward this end, a noted Brazilian molecular biologist, Thais Da Rocha Boeira, is bringing her business and academic consultancy to the U.S. Boeira seeks to be a bridge between private sector health tech projects and leading edge researchers within the American academy.
Such partnerships between the private and public health spheres are more crucial than ever and Thais Boeira is uniquely qualified to help meet this challenge.
Since earning her PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology in applied health in 2017, Boeira has made her mark as a member of the theses and dissertations evaluation committees. In this capacity, Boeira also was tasked with reviewing manuscripts submitted for publication in international and domestic scientific journals.
In addition, Boeira worked in the well-known Brazilian firm Simbios Biotecnologiawhich specializes in Molecular Diagnostics and pioneering work in laboratory analysis of DNA and RNA of infectious agents in the Brazil.
It at this moment of public health awareness that Thais Boeira is bringing her multi-faceted experience to bear on the public health challenges in the U.S. with her new health consultancy.
“Through this consulting company I could collaborate with the development of Research Projects and protocols, feasibility studies, with the readjustment of the workflow, in internal audits or in the identification of problems in operational routines.” stated Boeira during a recent interview.
“I thought I could use these skills and all my academic and professional background helping companies, laboratories and researchers in the area to identify operational problems in their routines, and also developing solutions for your demands and speed up your growth.” Boeira continued.
Born in Porto Alegre, the daughter of public school teacher Teresinha and trader Osvaldino, Boeira was passionate about medicine and the natural sciences from a young age. In 2000, she matriculated in the biology program at the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA) where she has gone on to earn several degrees.
After earning her initial degree, Thais spent the following 5 years working in the research and development sector at Simbios Biotecnologia under the guidance of Dr Nilo Ikuta, where she contributed to technical feasibility studies for the development of new products and services. She also played a key role in the elaboration and detailing of various procedures, protocols and training of Simbios leading edge molecular diagnostic products such as NewGene®.
In her new American venture, Boeira seeks to bring her tried-and-true approach to collaboration and respect for her subject area. As such, she remains optimistic about how much she will contribute to her field in a new country. “I love science and problem solving, and I have always received excellent feedback from my colleagues and collaborators, who said they like to work with me and the way I explain and clarify issues we continue to face in the 2020’s.”