Entrepreneur Of The Year
- Business
- January 14, 2023
When you think about it, hustle and ambition mixed with a little discipline is a powerful combination.
Young CEO JHood YSF comes well equipped with all of the above, but it doesn’t stop there!
“JHood is a rare breed, his hustle alone makes you have to respect the man. Then when you add ambition and you mix that with a little discipline you’ve got yourself a real boss”
After conducting a few interviews with people who cross paths with the young CEO regularly, I started to figure out rather quickly that the perception of him doesn’t change much from person to person. With remarks like “JHood is the ultimate grinder” and “He’s easily Entrepreneur Of The Year”.
“JHood has the type of demeanor that you feel before you see. With a work ethic that separates him from those around him. A boss that still does not mind getting his hands dirty and can lead his team from the front or from the back”.
Unfortunately I was unable to catch up with the boss himself, but when I do catch up to him that will be an interview to remember.