Nafez Husseini: The young man and the man behind the exponential rise of brands and business across digital space.
- Guest Posts
- March 14, 2021
The young entrepreneur shares what made him succeed in the vast and competitive digital and social media marketing world.
Today, when we hear stories of people, especially youngsters making it huge in their areas of interest, there are many questions that may arise as to how did they do it all alone or what helped them in their journeys to reach so far in their niches? Well, there might be many other such questions in our minds; hence, without wasting any more moments, let’s today learn about a journey of a young social media and digital marketing entrepreneur and expert who started gaining momentum from his teen years and today has become a powerful force in the digital space of the world; he is Nafez Husseini, a young boy from Jordan, who now has made Houston his base.
Nafez Husseini said that the boom in the social media and digital world always intrigued and excited him and he believed this could be the best career choice for him. Hence at age 13, he began with growing Instagram accounts to millions of followers and today runs Instagram accounts as a true blue professional and entrepreneur living in the US. He founded Authority Media LLC, a social media company, in 2020, amidst a pandemic that promises to take people and businesses to the highest highs of success in their ventures by utilizing the power of social media and using growth strategies and campaigns as an advertising, consulting and marketing firm.
Below he shares what helped him succeed in the industry to such massive levels.
• Being passionate: Nafez Husseini says that his love for social media and his trust in its growth helped him create his unique niche in the industry.
• Being committed: He has been committed to his aim to turn people successful through his incredible global campaigns, utilizing millions of followers, helping them generate great revenue, which propelled him further in the industry as a young and successful entrepreneur.
• Being innovative: Nafez Husseini’s innovativeness has always helped him to come up with something new, offering clients creative and original strategies, giving them the maximum presence, reach and conversions, which has raised his stocks in the field.
• Being a learner: The youngster confesses that every day has been a learning experience and he looks forward to knowing something new each day so that he can implement the same in his work and emerge as a better entrepreneur at the business.
Ask him what keeps him motivated and Nafez Husseini replies, saying, “Happiness”. He loves what he does and the financial freedom he enjoys today helps him give back more to his family and friends. He wishes to build a life for himself where he can change the world and impact millions. To connect with him, visit his website, https://www.nafezhusseini.com/