The Ukrainian-Russian conflict broke out, and the world’s first charity crypto, Save Ukraine DAO, was founded!
- World
- February 26, 2022
Since Putin announced the recognition of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic, which the civilian armed forces in eastern Ukraine called themselves independent states, and ordered “peacekeeping” troops to be stationed in these two regions. The Ukrainian crisis officially broke out, the both sides deployed a large number of military personnel and equipments at the border area between the two countries, it is reported that more than 1,400 explosions occurred in the Wudong region in one day, the Ukrainian government army and civilian armed forces accused each other of attacking, the rebels in the eastern region are escalating the conflict, and millions of innocent Ukrainian citizens are being dragged into the war crisis. The influx of refugees from eastern Ukraine continues to increase, and a state of emergency was declared.
Ukrainian Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya has called on other countries around the world to take action to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Ukrainian President Zelenskiy issued a series of urgent statements saying that the war was about to begin, asking Western countries to stop economic sanctions but to take a real action to help Ukraine.
The world’s first charity crypto, Save Ukraine DAO, was founded!
Ukraine is known to be a cryptocurrency-friendly country, and on February 17, the Ukrainian parliament passed a law legalizing cryptocurrencies, while Ukraine plans to open the cryptocurrency market to businesses and investors by 2022. The war is something that we do not want it to happen, and the refugees affected by this incident are the ones we want to help. In response to this current situation, a group of anonymous believers in the crypto world set up the Save Ukraine DAO project to raise and donate funds to Ukraine. Through the power of cryptocurrencies and consensus, it is hoped that this will help the affected Ukrainian people through this crisis.
Save Ukraine DAO will respond to Ukraine’s first humanitarian relief. The Save Ukraine DAO, established in such a short period of time, has become the world first case using the consensus power of cryptocurrency for humanitarian assistance in the positive response to Ukraine, raising funds and provide for Ukrainian refugees.
Save Ukraine DAO – We will act now!
Save Ukraine DAO hopes to help more displaced Ukrainian people get back on track, creating a wider crypto applications and influence through a series of projects. Save Ukraine DAO is in a neutral position, it does not represent any political stance, and the project was originally established with a purpose for the humanitarian peace assistance. (The Save Ukraine DAO remains neutral in local conflicts and will only fund NGOs and private charities, and the funds raised will only be used to help the Ukrainian people.)
How do I make a donation?
Save Ukraine DAO will use the donations funds raised and issue UKR tokens, the project accepts token donations of various digital assets including: USDT, WBTC, ETH, SHIB (Ethereum chain) and USDT, WBTC, MATIC (Polygon chain), Save Ukraine DAO is actively expanding the reach to more communities for cooperation.
Donation: www.saveukrdao.live
Economic models
Token Name: UKR
Basic public chains: Ethereum and Polygon
Token Issuance: The supply of UKR will be determined by the total value of the funds donated. The ratio of funds donated by users (equivalent to USDT) to UKR issuance is 1:10 (that is, users to be issued with 10 UKRs for every 1 USDT of assets donated).
Token Distribution: All UKRs will be minted to donors. Other than that there would not be any to distribute for UKR tokens.
Use of donated funds: Save Ukraine DAO to donate 50% of the funds raised directly to Ukrainian charities; 25% is permanently placed in the donated pot, and the private key is destroyed, the users can redeem it at any time, thus ensuring that the UKR has always a reserve price, that is 0.025USDT/UKR. At the same time, the UKR returned by the user redemption will be permanently destroyed, creating a deflationary economic model. The remaining 25% is used to add liquidity as well as market cap maintenance and management.
Total donations: $300 million each for Ethereum and Polygon, with a total of $600 million, of which half of the funds ($300 million) raised are donated to NGOs and non-governmental organizations such as the local Red Cross Society of Ukraine as well as private charities that are committed to bringing peace to the Ukrainian region.
Save Ukraine DAO development plan
In the first phase, Save Ukraine DAO will raise a total funds of $600 million and issue UKR tokens in the form of donations. In the second stage, after the funds have been raised, the funds will be handed over to the relevant Ukrainian charities and non-governmental organizations, the relevant supporting documents are made public to the community, and a large amount of evidence about the donation is collected with pictures of the local conflict scenes; in the third stage, the UKR token plan is to launch a decentralized exchange and a centralized exchange, to establish the UKR Foundation and hand it over to the responsible personnel of the relevant Ukrainian charities. In the fourth stage, the UKR NFT trading market is to be launched, together with NFT transaction mining , the UKR token can be staked to receive dividend income from all NFT transaction fees, the pictures collected by the staff on the local conflict scenes in Ukraine will be made into an NFT to promote peace in the current local conflict in Ukraine, and the NFT can be traded with UKR tokens, while listing it in Opensea and the sales proceeds will be used to repurchase and destroy the UKR.
The UKR Swap will be developed and the liquidity mining of UKR tokens (UKR/USDT to mine for ETH or MATIC) will be launched, and all the fee income will be used to repurchase UKR and burnt.
After this, the project will develop the UKR Wallet and make it available to the Ukrainian people free of charge. Subsequently the UKR Swap will be developed and the liquidity mining of UKR tokens (UKR/USDT to mine for ETH or MATIC) will be launched, and all the fee income will be used to repurchase UKR and burnt. The UKR EVM sidechain will then be developed and all UKR tokens will be mapped into mainnet tokens, and the UKREVM sidechain will use UKR tokens as a gas fee.
What are the usage scenarios for UKR tokens?
As a meme asset with charitable attributes; airdropping the NFT assets of the local armed conflict in Ukraine for UKR holders as the base token for the NFT assets of the local armed conflict in Ukraine; staking of UKR to receive dividend rewards from the transaction fees in the UKRNFT trading market ; conduct of the NFT asset sale of the local armed conflict in Ukraine in Opensea and to use all the proceeds of the sale to repurchase and destroy UKR; performing liquidity mining in UKR Swap as the base token; use gas tokens for the UKR public chain. In the future, more usage applications scenarios will be expanded in the future.
Why join save Ukraine DAO?
The donation depends entirely on your own wishes, after the donation you can help Ukraine cope with the impact of the war, and you can get UKR tokens according to the amount donated, after the donation you can receive 50% of the tokens upfront, after the donation you can receive the remaining 50% of the tokens. The donation ends when the donation amount of ETH and polygon per chain reaches $50 million. As for how much value UKR will have in the future, it’s entirely up to the community, and no one can decide.
What else can supporters get?
UKR tokens can be used to raise funds to bail out Ukraine on the local conflict. It can also be used as a base token to trade the NFT assets of the local conflict in Ukraine, in addition to the UKR holders to airdrop for NFT assets, besides being the basic assets of UKR Wallet. Liquidity mining will also be carried out in the UKR swap. It can later be used as gas tokens for all the UKR sidechains. Save Ukraine DAO hopes to help those affected in Ukraine while bringing a wider influence to the crypto community in the world.
Read More:
Website: https://www.saveukrdao.live
Twitter: https://twitter.com/saveukrDAO
Telegram: https://t.me/saveukrdao