Are There Side Effects with Invisalign?
- Healthcare
- August 2, 2021
Invisalign is a revolutionary mouth-based treatment that straightens teeth without brackets, wires, or fillings. But unfortunately, there are potential side effects with this brand-new technology. This article will give you some information that will help you decide whether Invisalign is right for you.
The Side Effects of Invisalign
There are several potential side effects of Invisalign treatments, but these are usually only temporary and easily remedied. Most people who experience side effects with Invisalign return to normal oral health after a few days or weeks. Some of the most popular associated side effects of Invisalign include:
It is normal for your teeth to make a certain amount of noise when grinding and clenching, but if your teeth chatter or grind especially loudly while you are wearing Invisalign, then you need to see a doctor. The mouthpiece that holds the aligners in place can cause this problem.
It has been seen in some patients who wear Invisalign, particularly if they bite down on the aligners too hard or press them up against their teeth. If you want to wear the aligners but have this problem, then you need to talk to your doctor about getting a special mouthguard that you can wear at night. Invisalign does not usually take this long to fix.
Sore Teeth
Your teeth may become sore, especially if they are shifting and becoming aligned. They will feel as though they are starting to ache deeper inside of your gums. Sore teeth is not a serious side effect of Invisalign, but it can be uncomfortable.
It may be best to wear your aligners at night for a few days or use some over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol. If your teeth do become sore and you need to stop wearing Invisalign, you will need to reduce the number of times you change the aligners each day. A reduction of just one time per day should not cause any more discomfort.
Pain and Discomfort
Some patients have reported some pain or discomfort as a side effect of Invisalign. To reduce this problem, try to gently treat your teeth when you brush, floss, and use mouthwash. Some people can be extra rough with their teeth because they are not used to wearing the aligners or don’t want them touching their lips or cheeks while wearing them in public. If you need to, ask a relative or friend for help when you are getting used to your Invisalign or when you are trying to brush your teeth while wearing them.
Dry Mouth
Dry mouth is a side effect that some people experience with Invisalign. The way to combat this problem is simply by using some over-the-counter gum and lozenges that will help increase the amount of saliva in your mouth. Check the label of the tablets and make sure that they are safe for you to use with the plastic trays. Some of them are not safe.
Speech Difficulties
Some patients experience a change in their speech when they are wearing Invisalign. This should not last for more than a few days, but it can be an annoying side effect if your voice is not back to normal yet. You may need to excuse yourself from conversations and social events for this period.
You can also check with your doctor if there is something that they can give you to make your voice come back faster. A sore throat or cold is also a possible cause of your voice sounding hoarse. Be sure to go to the doctor if your voice does not get better in a couple of days. You may be developing a more serious problem with your mouth or throat.
Bruising and Swelling
Invisalign causes your teeth to move, which can cause some minor bruising or swelling. This usually only lasts for a few days, and most patients find that they have very little trouble with this side effect of Invisalign. But if you do feel too uncomfortable, then you should contact your doctor.
Invisalign is a great way to straighten your teeth without having to wear metal brackets. But the plastic trays that you wear in your mouth can cause some issues with infections. You will need to talk to your doctor if you think you may have developed an infection in your mouth or have any strange pains, red spots, or swollen gums. You may need to get your aligners taken out to receive some antibiotics to prevent infections, or you may need to get a dental cleaning or root canal procedure.
Although Invisalign is a much less costly treatment than many braces out there, it is still rather expensive. If you do not have medical insurance or money to spare, you will have a hard time getting excellent Invisalign care. Ensure that you can go into this treatment with your eyes open and know exactly how to get the best price on Invisalign.
Invisalign is a great new technology, but there are some side effects that you should be aware of. If you think you may have one of these potential side effects, you need to talk to your dentist or doctor about it.