How Can Biotechnology Help Humanity in Averting World Hunger?
- Environment
- August 8, 2018
Hunger and food shortage is a perennial problem in the contemporary world especially in the third world. People are dying from famine daily due inadequate nutrition which is as a result of shortages in food production. There have been proposals by different international co-operations to try and reduce the effects of hunger but there is not much achieved.
Biotechnology stands to be one of the best solutions in averting world hunger. Biotechnology is the application of technology in agricultural productions. It exists in many ways some of which I will explain.
Genetically Modified Organism (GMOS) products are organisms whose genetic composition has been altered in order to make a larger and more productive organism. GMOs are going to be the answer to having more food on the table with less labor and resource output. GMO crops have more yields compared to natural crops. They are larger in size and they can withstand harsh climatic conditions compared to natural crops. They also take a very short time to make yield.
GMO animals produce larger products compared to normal animals. Their genes are engineered in such a way that their resistance to parasites is better. This translates to a greater animal immortality rate and therefore more consistent production. GMO animals are also larger in size and they give out high quality animal products compared to normal animals.
Genetically modified crop species have been developed which have resistance to pesticides and herbicides. This means that such crops would be successfully treated with herbicides and pesticides without them dying. This increases the efficiency of these sprays and the process of eradicating pests and weed has become a very simple one.
Scientists can modify crop species to be resistant to certain weather conditions and therefore mean that they can be grown in various environments. Corn is one of the crops that has been modified by scientists to endure dry climates and therefore means it can be grown in arid areas and produce very healthy yield.
If human beings can adapt the advancements that have been made in biotechnology, they can avert world hunger in a short time with minimum struggle.