Money Saving Ideas for UK Residents
- Guest Posts
- April 21, 2020
We have produced a number of money saving ideas designed to help you reduce costs and outgoings. If you have any money saving ideas please leave the comment bellow.
1. Consider paying bills by direct debit.
Some companies (utilities) give a discount for payment by this method. It is also impossible to forget to pay!
2. Review your gas, electric and insurance providers. There is a specialized websites that will show you your cheapest providers.
3. Consider consolidating your debts into one. You may be able to reduce your outgoings and hence reduce any late interest and charges you are currently incurring. A consolidation loan may also offer a cheaper interest rate than you are currently being charged. Especially on store cards and credit cards.
4. Are you receiving all the benefits you are entitled to?
5. Are you energy efficient? Be good to the environment and save money!
6. Do you make the same journey to work every day. Consider getting a discount or regular traveller discount card. Why not car share with a colleague? Are you a young person or elderly. There may be other discounts available?
7. Collect loyalty points on your supermarket/petrol shopping. You might as well they’re free!
8. Always shop after you’ve eaten. You’ll buy less food! How many things do you buy that pass their best before date and are then thrown out?
9. Do you have savings and debts? The chances are your interest is higher on your debts than your savings. Consider paying off debts where possible. Although it is also nice to have emergency savings for when required.
10. Always get at least 3 quotes when your home or car insurance comes up for renewal. Be careful to ensure you are still getting the same level of cover for each quote.
11. Wrap presents in brown paper. Looks quite trendy now and is much cheaper than expensive wrapping paper.
12. Make your own salad. Pre-packed salad is much more expensive than the sum of the contents!
13.Make your own sandwiches for work/school. Do you know how many sandwiches you can make for £2?
14. Get recipes off the internet rather than buying pre-made meals.
15. When you are buying anything always look for cheaper options on the internet. Why not ask for a discount? You’ll be surprised how many people will give you one. Especially if you’re buying a number of items from the same place.
16. Ditch the overdraft. If you have an overdraft that charges a monthly usage fee and interest it will be costing you a lot for a very small benefit. You always have to repay it anyway!
17. Sell all the stuff you no longer need at a car boot sale (and make the house tidy!).
18. Do you need a mobile and a home phone? Also ring your mobile company to ensure you’re on the best package for your usage. Send a text rather than call. Also ensure you utilize any free minutes or texts you have. Can sometimes work out cheaper using you mobile rather than your home phone if you have unused free calls. Also utilize off peak discounts.
19. Avoid going for days out where you will spend money i.e. the shopping centre/car boot sales.
20. Don’t ring 118 numbers to get a phone number. Use the internet i.e. Just ask Google.
21. Don’t buy cigarettes from a cigarette machine. Or even better give up smoking!
22. If you’re struggling with debts consider what opinions are available.
Visit solicitor for advice on debt management, an IVA or bankruptcy. Bankruptcy laws changed in April 2004 and it is not as bad as you may think.