Everything you need to know about singing, together with MR. Yasan the outstanding singer and musician
- Entertainment
- December 1, 2022
Singing is an activity that is basically the production of musical sounds using a human voice. The difference between singing and the human voice is in its rhythm and novelty. People who sing are called singers or singers. Singers have different styles that they have different courses according to their singing style. In this article, we will review the singing job, so stay with us until the end of the article.
Yasan, please tell us a little about your singing career:
A singer is someone who creates musical sounds using his voice, and the difference with speaking is that rhythm and tonality are not used in normal speaking. A person who sings is called a singer or vocalist. In fact, a person who enters the profession of a singer performs a part of a piece of music, which may be accompanied by an instrument or without an instrument. In fact, the act of singing is created by a group of musicians with voices in different ranges.
In many ways, human singing can be considered a form of speech. Almost anyone who talks can also sing. In general, singing can be both formal and informal. Singing can also be done with the intention of pleasure, comfort and education for material benefits. Proficiency in singing comes with time and practice. Professional singers often work in a particular genre of music, for example, in the field of classical music, rock, they are trained under the supervision of singing teachers and coaches. In our country, no one has complete knowledge in the field of singing, and most of them cannot distinguish between good and bad singers, and only the singer’s voice is evaluated and nothing else is taken into account. And people who do not follow the notes, everyone cheers them and they are cheered without having any knowledge of singing, in front of a series of people who have a very good talent in this field, but no No one notices this talent.
Things that must be observed in singing:
There are a series of principles that must be observed in singing: taking care of the voice principle, which is the most important element in singing, and the exercises that a person does for singing can damage the larynx, so one must take care of the voice. Singing should not be practiced when the weather conditions are very dry and hot or very cold. You should not shout because the effect of shouting may remain for several hours in the form of hoarseness. For ordinary people, this hoarseness may last two to three days, but for someone who sings, this effect is very destructive. Never try to return it to its original state with exercise and pressure due to hoarseness, and the best thing to do at this time is to rest and not read. Never use alcoholic beverages because it destroys concentration and damages the larynx. You should avoid drinking cold liquids before singing, and if necessary, drink a few hours before.
Yasan, how do you see the future of your singing career?
The singer’s job, like any other job, has a series of difficulties, and in every country, in order to progress in the job, one has to go through stages to reach the peak stage, and for a first-level singer in any country, a lot of perseverance is needed, and it is so easy. Is not. To reach a level of singing that can be licensed for an album, you have to work hard and practice a lot. If a person who enters the career of a singer can reach the stage of releasing albums and concerts, he can reach the stage of income generation. If the singer wants to make a clip, he needs to pay and get a license, which also needs to go through a series of steps in order to grow, and this step leads to fame and visibility. Of course, in the career of a singer, there is no need to reach the stage of income generation through concerts, and there are a number of other ways to earn money in the singing career. Of course, there are famous singers who need to spend a lot of money to arrange a song so that they can reach a high level of fame. In the whole future, the singer’s job in Iran depends on two factors: the singer’s level and the singer’s style.
If the singer’s level is acceptable and liked by the people, and at the same time the singer’s working style is also liked by the society, he can be successful in Iran. At the same time, other factors such as the type of poetry, the type of reading of a person that does not conflict with the common trend of work in Iran can enjoy good growth in the country. Some people believe that the profession of a singer is not very popular in Iran, but if we see that the singers inside Iran are more popular than the singers outside Iran, and if we exclude a few cases of the old singers outside Iran, the singers Young people in Iran are much stronger than singers outside of Iran.
The income of a singer in Iran:
In general, concert and singing in developed countries has a very good financial growth and accounts for between 2 and 12 percent of the gross national product. Based on the statistics announced by the World Bank in 2016, the global share of creative trade and services is more than 900 billion dollars, while the turnover of the music industry in the country is close to 100 million Tomans. If holding a concert can be a very good source of income in the music industry, it can be an important source for estimating the turnover of the music industry in the country. Based on the statistics that the music office of the Ministry of Culture
The income of a singer in Iran:
In general, concert and singing in developed countries has a very good financial growth and accounts for between 2 and 12 percent of the gross national product. Based on the statistics announced by the World Bank in 2016, the global share of creative trade and services is more than 900 billion dollars, while the turnover of the music industry in the country is close to 100 million Tomans. If holding a concert can be a very good source of income in the music industry, it can be an important source for estimating the turnover of the music industry in the country. Based on the statistics announced by the Music Office of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance in 1995, more than 1221 concert permits for music have been issued. About 80% of these sales are made through the official sales site of Iran Concert. On average, each concert is performed for three nights, and the average reception is around 1000 people. The price of pop concert tickets in Milad halls is between 30,000 and 100,000 tomans, and on average, a person has to spend 65,000 tomans to see a concert. The cost of tickets for traditional concerts is about 25 to 120 thousand tomans, and the average amount paid is about 65 thousand tomans. By multiplying this number by the number of seats in the hall, you can reach the total amount of income from a concert, which generates income of 300 to 350 million for the producer, but at the same time, it also incurs a lot of expenses for the band. Has a doer When a concert can have a high income for the organizer, if it is performed in a suitable hall and in a famous part of the city, and at the top level of the city, according to its quality, it can be a source for the concert organizer to some extent. Have a good income
In your opinion, as a professional singer, is it only talent that is required to become a singer?
In order to become a famous singer, in addition to having talent, training and practice are also needed, and a combination of these things can make a famous singer, but with the natural capacity of the voice, you can also become a famous and popular singer. However, in order for a person to have a famous and socially friendly voice, he must practice. Although the general opinion of our society is that genetics plays a very important role in achieving an exceptional position in the world of music, but based on the research that has been done, each person’s exercises can play an effective role in singing.
Also, according to the research published in Daily Mail and Medical Daily, in addition to having natural talent, to become a famous singer, a lifetime of dedication and first-class training is required, and a combination of all three of these things can make a famous singer. Like bocelli, but with the natural capacity of a voice, you can also become a pop star and have millions of audience. A good voice can become a great voice with training and reach a level where it can sing and others enjoy hearing its voice.
Give your final speech to the audience
According to the contents presented in this interview, we realized that the job of a singer, in addition to being popular and a high social status for a person, at the same time, to reach the level of a famous singer and liked by the society, one has to face the difficulties of the road. Also passed We hope that the information presented in this article was effective in your understanding of this job.